In mathematics, especially in abstract algebra, a quasigroup is an algebraic structure resembling a group in the sense that "division" is always possible. Quasigroups differ from groups mainly in that they need not be associative.
A quasigroup with an identity element is called a loop.
There are at least two equivalent formal definitions of quasigroup. One defines a quasigroup as a set with one binary operation, and the other, from universal algebra, defines a quasigroup as having three primitive operations. We begin with the first definition.
A quasigroup (Q, ∗) is a set, Q, with a binary operation, ∗, (that is, a magma), obeying the Latin square property. This states that, for each a and b in Q, there exist unique elements x and y in Q such that both
hold. (In other words: Each element of the set occurs exactly once in each row and exactly once in each column of the quasigroup's multiplication table, or Cayley table. This property ensures that the Cayley table of a finite quasigroup is a Latin square.)
A turn is an element of secondary structure in proteins where the polypeptide chain reverses its overall direction. For beta turns go to Beta turn.
According to one definition, a turn is a structural motif where the Cα atoms of two residues separated by few (usually 1 to 5) peptide bonds are close (< 7 Å), while the residues do not form a secondary structure element such as an alpha helix or beta sheet with regularly repeating backbone dihedral angles. Although the proximity of the terminal Cα atoms usually correlates with formation of a hydrogen bond between the corresponding residues, a hydrogen bond is not a requirement in this turn definition. That said, in many cases the H-bonding and Cα-distance definitions are equivalent.
Turns are classified according to the separation between the two end residues:
Sur may refer to:
SUR may refer to:
A fili was a member of an elite class of poets in Ireland, up until the Renaissance, when the Irish class system was dismantled by the English.
The word "file" is thought to derive from the Proto-Celtic *widluios, meaning "seer, one who sees" (attested on the Gaulish inscription from Larzac as "uidluias", which is the feminine genitive singular form), derived ultimately from the verb *widlu-, "to see". This may suggest that the filí were originally prophetic poets, who foretold the future in the form of verse or riddle, rather than simply poets.
According to the Textbook of Irish Literature, by Eleanor Hull:
The fili maintained an oral tradition that predated the Christianization of Ireland. In this tradition, poetic and musical forms are important not only for aesthetics, but also for their mnemonic value. The tradition allowed plenty of room for improvisation and personal expression, especially in regard to creative hyperbole and clever kenning. However, the culture placed great importance on the fili's ability to pass stories and information down through the generations without making changes in those elements that were considered factual rather than embellishment.
Là-bas dans le pré plein de marguerites
Comme un grand billard mangé par les mites
On voit un tableau, tableau sans pareil
Un fil qui brille au soleil
Puis au milieu des poteaux qui penchent
Tendue sur le fil, la lessive blanche
Les mouchoirs s'agitent et les pantalons
S'en vont frôler les jupons
Sur le fil, il y a des chemises
Sur le fil, gonflées par la brise
Sur le fil, les caleçons, les chaussettes, les chaussons
Sur le fil, dansent, dansent, dansent
Sur le fil, dansent, se balancent
Les oiseaux chantent l'avril
Et l'amour loin d'la ville
Sur le fil
Mardi sur la place au milieu des flaques
La fête est venue avec ses baraques
Le cirque a planté son grand chapiteau
Et ce soir, là tout là-haut
Sur un fil tendu par-dessus les têtes
Glisse la danseuse en robe à paillettes
Le vide la guette, le vide l'attend
Et moi j'ai l'coeur palpitant
Sur le fil, dans un rayon blême
Sur le fil, c'est elle que j'aime
Sur le fil, sans émoi, elle avance et je vois
Sur le fil, comme une aile frêle
Sur le fil, sa petite ombrelle
Qui maintient immobile mon amour si fragile
Sur le fil
Voyez les cochons en vrai pain d'épices
Les ponts suspendus sur les précipices
Les ballons captifs, les pantins dociles
Tout ça ne tient qu'par un fil
Au fil de nos jours, se tisse l'année
Le long de son fil, glisse l'araignée
On me téléphone, une amie en ville
Me demande au bout du fil
Sur le fil, toute la vie se joue
Sur le fil, se noue se dénoue
Et j'ai mis dans le pré mes espoirs à sécher
Sur le fil, dans mille ans peut-être
Sur le fil, sans valet ni maître
Mon fantôme dansera-t-il ? transparent et subtil
Sur le fil
Mon fantôme dansera-t-il ? transparent et subtil
Sur le fil