Superstring theory is an attempt to explain all of the particles and fundamental forces of nature in one theory by modelling them as vibrations of tiny supersymmetric strings.
'Superstring theory' is a shorthand for supersymmetric string theory because unlike bosonic string theory, it is the version of string theory that incorporates fermions and supersymmetry.
Since the second superstring revolution, the five superstring theories are regarded as different limits of a single theory tentatively called M-theory, or simply string theory.
The deepest problem in theoretical physics is harmonizing the theory of general relativity, which describes gravitation and applies to large-scale structures (stars, galaxies, super clusters), with quantum mechanics, which describes the other three fundamental forces acting on the atomic scale.
The development of a quantum field theory of a force invariably results in infinite possibilities. Physicists have developed mathematical techniques (renormalization) to eliminate these infinities that work for three of the four fundamental forces—electromagnetic, strong nuclear and weak nuclear forces—but not for gravity. The development of a quantum theory of gravity must therefore come about by different means than those used for the other forces.
A substring of a string is another string
that occurs "in"
. For example, "the best of" is a substring of "It was the best of times". This is not to be confused with subsequence, which is a generalization of substring. For example, "Itwastimes" is a subsequence of "It was the best of times", but not a substring.
Prefix and suffix are refinements of substring. A prefix of a string is a substring of
that occurs at the beginning of
. A suffix of a string
is a substring that occurs at the end of
A substring (or factor) of a string is a string
, where
. A substring of a string is a prefix of a suffix of the string, and equivalently a suffix of a prefix. If
is a substring of
, it is also a subsequence, which is a more general concept. Given a pattern
, you can find its occurrences in a string
with a string searching algorithm. Finding the longest string which is equal to a substring of two or more strings is known as the longest common substring problem.
Example: The string ana
is equal to substrings (and subsequences) of banana
at two different offsets:
At the 1976 P.G.I. (Pyrotechnic Guild International) Convention in Grand Junction, Colorado, member Robert (Rob) Berk came up with the idea of connecting a series of firecracker strings together in order to make a "superstring". Fellow members Lino Nivolo, Rudy Schwerdt, and Bob Luke collaborated in the construction. The final count of this first attempt was approximately 2,000 firecrackers. The excitement of building this string increased the following year at the annual convention in St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin when the superstring exceeded the hundred-thousand mark. To add to the excitement, auctioneer Rob Berk pounded the gavel as Lou Czaplewski paid $25 for the right to light it. Over the years, the superstring has increased in size and the amount paid to light it has exceeded $4,000.
A superstring, also known as a cracker wall, is a name commonly given to an immense bundle of firecrackers, usually numbering in the hundreds of thousands, which are often a central fixture at fireworks conventions. Although large compound strings of firecrackers have been constructed since firecrackers were invented, the superstring was greatly popularized by the Pyrotechnics Guild International, whose yearly convention often features a huge superstring consisting of well over a million firecrackers. Superstrings are usually constructed over a rudimentary wooden or metallic structure as a sort of curtain wall.
SUPAFLY (also known as Supafly Inc.) is a British dance act composed of Panos Liassi (Mister P) and Andrew Tumi (wOne).
Supafly is best known for 2005's "Let's Get Down" - which was a club hit around the world and used by the Australian television network FOX8 as their summer theme song; and for "Moving Too Fast" in late 2006, which sampled from the Phil Collins' hit "Another Day in Paradise". Supafly picked up the Best Newcomer Award at the 2006 Urban Music Awards.
Supafly's sound is a blend of reggae/hip hop/ and dance. Supafly's success has led them to sold out tours, performing to crowds of up to 25,000.
Now London based, the essence of their sun-filled sound developed partly from Mister P and wOne’s stint in Australia. Inspired by the sunshine and the live music scene in Melbourne, their time away proved to be an inspiration for Supafly's signature tune, "Let's Get Down". It was written on one of the hottest days in Australia's history.
wOne is an accomplished singer, songwriter and producer. He has collaborated on several seminal dance hits and enjoyed a successful career with Supafly spanning more than ten years. wOne is currently in Ghana, West Africa exploring his musical roots and working on a new concept that fuses music and creativity to aid African development.
"Supafly" is a single by British artist Fugative. It was released on 17 January 2010 on digital download on Hard2Beat Records. The track charted at number 48 on the UK Singles Chart.
There were six remixes available on digital download of "Supafly" - the longest is the "Static Shokx Remix", with runs for 6:06. Other remixes include the "A1 Bassline Remix", "Cookie Monsta Remix", "Roska Remix" & the "Bass Slammers Remix". On the other single of "Supafly" there is the "Tek-One Remix".
The song first appeared on the UK Singles Chart on 30 January 2010 at number 48, then in its next week on 6 February 2010, it went down to number 98.