Super Monkey Ball Adventure
Super Monkey Ball Adventure is a video game developed by Traveller's Tales in association with the division Traveller's Tales Oxford and distributed by Sega in the Super Monkey Ball series, released on June 30, 2006. This game was not released in Japan.
SMBA is a departure from the series in the sense that the puzzle-based gameplay is replaced by a more traditional 3D platform game world. Traveller's Tales has retained some of the mini-games, however, and integrated the features into the gameplay. Some new mini-games are also integrated into the adventure world.
This is also the third game Sega and Traveller's Tales collaborated on, the first two being Sonic 3D Blast and Sonic R.
On Jungle Island, Aiai meets Prince AbeABE of Monkitropolis and Princess DeeDee of the second proportion of Monkitropolis, the underwater city of Kongri-la. As written by IGN, the rest of the storyline is as follows:
Here, before Aiai has completed quests by monkeys around Kongri-la and Monkitropolis, The two cities both blame each other for their problems in their cities. This causes the monkeys to be rivals, including the parents of the Prince and Princess. Since the parents are in different cities, the rivalry between the parents causes both Prince Abeabe and Princess Deedee to be apart. Aiai has to complete different tasks to make both areas happy again and not to blame each other for their problems.