Bass or Basses may refer to:
Bassé is a town in the Bourzanga Department of Bam Province in northern Burkina Faso. It has a population of 2,138.
In music theory, the bass note of a chord or sonority is the lowest note played or notated. If there are multiple voices it is the note played or notated in the lowest voice. (the note furthest in the bass) While the bass note is often the root or fundamental of the chord, it does not have to be, and sometimes one of the other pitches of the chord will be found in the bass. See: inversion (music).
In pre-tonal theory (Early music), root notes were not considered and thus the bass was the most defining note of a sonority. See: thoroughbass. In pandiatonic chords the bass often does not determine the chord, as is always the case with a nonharmonic bass.
This is a list of Guardians of Ga'Hoole characters.
Soren is the main protagonist; a male barn owl, (Tyto alba), leader of "The Band". Soren was born in the Kingdom of Tyto, where he lived with his father, Noctus, his mother, Marella, his older brother, Kludd, his younger sister, Eglantine, and the family's nest snake Mrs. Horace Plithiver. He was snatched by patrols from St. Aegolius Academy for Orphaned Owls after Kludd meanly pushed him from the nest. He later escaped with his friend Gylfie and together the two met Twilight then Digger before journeying to the Great Ga'Hoole Tree. After many adventures, Soren becomes a Guardian of Ga'Hoole, leader of The Band, leader of the Chaw of Chaws after, a member of the Great Ga'Hoole Tree and the ryb of the weather interpretation and colliering chaw after Ezylryb died. He is the mate of Pellimore and the father of Bell, Blythe, and Bash. Soren has starsight, allowing him to view glimpses of the future through his dreams. At the end of The War of the Ember he becomes king of the Great Tree after the death of his nephew, Coryn (Nyroc). Portrayed by Jim Sturgess in the film.
Secure Web SmartFilter EDU, formerly known as Bess, is a brand of content-control software made by Secure Computing Corporation, which acquired maker N2H2 in 2003; it is usually used in libraries and schools. The main purpose of the system is as an Internet filter, blocking minors using the public computers from accessing web content deemed inappropriate by the local administrators of the system based on the Acceptable Use Policy of the organization. The system is not installed locally (on each individual computer workstation), but installs on the server between the users and the open Internet. This feature makes it harder to bypass, though it is not uncommon for students with more extensive computer knowledge to attempt to bypass the system. The system allows for teachers or administrators to temporarily bypass the system if they need to access sites that are blocked for educational purposes.
The system is compliant with the Children's Internet Protection Act. Like other similar filters, Secure Web SmartFilter EDU has come under attack for unnecessarily impeding school research (false positives), being too aggressive in its filtering procedures or not being aggressive enough in its filtering procedures. Other critics believe that the imposition of Internet filtering software without the consent of the user constitutes a violation of the First Amendment.
BESS is a particle physics experiment carried by a balloon. BESS stands for Balloon-borne Experiment with Superconducting Spectrometer. It is in fact a series of experiments that started in 1993, and its current incarnation, BESS-Polar, was circling the Antarctic from December 13 to December 21, 2004, for a total of 8 days 17 hours and 2 minutes. This joint Japanese and American project is supported by the Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics (LHEA) at NASA's GSFC and the KEK.
The mission of this experiment is to detect antiparticles in the cosmic radiation at high altitudes. It is therefore designed to be carried aloft by balloon. The central detection device is a magnetic spectrometer, that is used to identify all electrically charged particles crossing its main detection aperture. Mission members are working on improving the sensitivity and precision of this system with each new launch.
Theories of the beginning of the Universe are based on the currently-known laws of particle physics, where matter is created from energy in such a way that equal amounts of particles and antiparticles are produced. If this is so, then an amount of antimatter equal to the amount of currently visible matter must exist—though there is an equal possibility the bulk of the antimatter may have been annihilated due to the mechanism of CP violation. The aim of BESS therefore is to quantify the amount of antiparticles in the local cosmos and so help to decide between these alternatives.