Glenelg won the Class 2A state title, while Marriotts Ridge reached the 3A state semifinals ... Glenelg, Howard, Marriotts Ridge, Mt ... Coaches say that Glenelg, Marriotts Ridge and Mt ... Hebron, Oakland Mills and Reservoir make up the SummitDivision.
Hebron’s Doug Cohen and Marriotts Ridge’s Mason Machiran are the returning first-team All-County players ... Coaches say Glenelg and Marriotts Ridge are two formidable threats for the county title, with Howard and Mt.
Tornadoes, dust storms and wildfires rage across the US due to a massive storm system in the country that has caused 26 fatalities at least(Getty Images via AFP) ... Also Read ... Tornado rips through VillaRidge, GraySummit, Wildwood near St Louis . Videos.
The summit of Sugar Loaf... As we neared the top, through a longer break in the cloud, the rocky summit emerged.Advertisement ... Now, though, only tantalising glimpses of encircling ridges and summits met our gaze, many also frosted with snow and ice.
WAYNESBORO, Pa ... Buttonwood purchased the property in 2021, and small-scale activities have already begun ... of BlueRidgeSummit contributed donated stone, and TriadEngineering of Hagerstown provided geo-technical support at a partial discount ...