In ancient Roman religion, Summanus (Latin: Summānus) was the god of nocturnal thunder, as counterposed to Jupiter, the god of diurnal (daylight) thunder. His precise nature was unclear even to Ovid.
The temple of Summanus was dedicated during the Pyrrhic War c. 278 BCE on June 20. It stood at the west of the Circus Maximus, perhaps on the slope of the Aventine. It seems the temple had been dedicated because the statue of the god which stood on the roof of the temple of Jupiter Capitolinus had been struck by a lightningbolt. Every June 20, the day before the summer solstice, round cakes called summanalia, made of flour, milk and honey and shaped as wheels, were offered to him as a token of propitiation: the wheel might be a solar symbol. Summanus also received a sacrifice of two black oxen or wethers. Dark animals were typically offered to chthonic deities.
Saint Augustine records that in earlier times Summanus had been more exalted than Jupiter, but with the construction of a temple that was more magnificent than that of Summanus, Jupiter became more honored.
11885 Summanus (also designated 1990 SS) is an asteroid that is a Near-Earth Object (NEO) and an Apollo asteroid.
11885 Summanus was discovered by Spacewatch on September 25, 1990, the first fully automatic discovery of a near-Earth asteroid. The name Summanus is symbolic of the discovery of the asteroid by software running on a (lightning-fast) computer.
The orbit is well-established with over 20 years of observations. The closest approach to the Earth in the years 1900–2200 is 0.102 AU (15,300,000 km; 9,500,000 mi) on March 17, 1991, and March 17, 2011. For comparison, the distance to the Moon is about 0.0026 AU (390,000 km; 240,000 mi).
You're beginning to test my patience.
I shouldn't take this from such an acquaintance.
Why can't you ever get to the point?
Or just spit out what were trying to say.
You talk so much, but say so little.
Always late, always fickle.
Why can't you ever get to the point?
It's not as if we cared.
As of late, you seem to walk a fine line
Between those who matter and those of your kind.
Always one to let the last word slip,
You're a disease and I can't get over it.
Why won't you listen
To a god damn word I have to say?
When we just discussed this the other day.
Now why won't you listen?
Acting so disrespectfully
Never came as a surprise to me.
So much commotion but lack of action.
Never satisfied, no attraction.
Don't know what it'll take to let you know
That you were always meant to be alone.
Motivation is not your forte.
It never has, and it never will be.
Why can't you ever get to the point?
It's not as if I cared in the first place.
Oh, this is the way I feel without you.
Overjoyed, I undervalued how much appreciation really means to me.
I'm finally free, I'll live my life alone and I'll love every minute that you give me.
We were never one in the same,
Not cut from the same cloth.
I took my path and you took yours.
My help never seemed to be enough.
So this is why they call you cold,
The qualities you oversold,
The way you never let me fall asleep.
I hate the way you look at me,
The stories that you'd always say.