Sue Harukata (陶 晴賢, 1521 – October 16, 1555) was a retainer of the Ōuchi clan in the Sengoku period in Japan. Harukata would later become a daimyo. He was the second son of Sue Okifusa, senior retainer of the Ōuchi clan. His childhood name was Goro. Before Harukata he had the name of Takafusa. He is also erroneously known as Harutaka.
Harukata was born to the Sue clan, which was related to the Ōuchi clan, and served as shugodai of Suo Province. As a boy, he served Ōuchi Yoshitaka, a childhood friend. After genpuku, he was given the name Takafusa after Ōuchi Yoshitaka. In 1539, after his father Okifusa died of illness, he became the head of the Sue clan. Being an able retainer, he became known as the Samurai General Without Peer in the Western Provinces (Saigoku-musō no Samuraidaishō).
From 1540 to 1542, he worked as the general, replacing Ōuchi Yoshitaka, in the war with the Amago clan. However, when Ōuchi's troops lost heavily in 1542, Yoshitaka's interest in war faded, and he began to incline to cultural activities. Because of this, the civil official Sagara Taketō became close to Yoshitaka, and Harukata's relationship with Yoshitaka declined.
De vuelta a casa,
esta vez no resultó
vimos romper las cadenas.
Hoy el verdugo se tragó su vocación,
la muerte estuvo muy cerca.
Quiso gritar y fracasó,
la realidad lo sentenció.
Rabia y dolor en su corazón.
Un crimen que no cometió,
cinco años en el corredor.
Casi al final pudo respirar.
Ãl es hispano, si eres negro aún peor.
Tu vida es su recompensa.
Como las hienas en la Roma de Nerón,
quien va a morir os desprecia.
Segunda vez, vuelta a empezar.
Alguien compró su salvación,
no hay mejor show en televisión.
Hay que buscar, encontrarán a quien culpar.
Y asesinar. Les dio poder esta sociedad.
No debes llorar,
enseña tu orgullo, solo no estás.
Vamos a más, no hay que callar.
Con mano izquierda,
lo nuestro es luchar.