In music, the subtonic is the scale degree below the tonic or, more specifically, the flattened seventh (♭VII): the lowered or minor seventh degree of the scale, a whole step below the tonic, as opposed to the leading tone, which is only a half step below the tonic. The distinction between leading tone and subtonic has been made by theorists since at least the second quarter of the 20th century.
The subtonic appears in three forms: as the scale degree, ♭, melodically and as the chord ♭VII in both ♭VII-I cadence and in modulations harmonically. The word is also used as an English translation of subtonium, the Latin term used in Gregorian chant theory for the similar usage of a tone one whole step below the mode final in the Dorian, Phrygian, and Mixolydian modes.
For example, in the A minor scale (white keys on a piano, starting on A), the subtonic is the note G (in C major this would be B♭); and the subtonic triad consists of the notes G, B, and D (in C: B♭-D-F). In music theory, the subtonic chord is symbolized with the Roman numeral ♭VII for a major triad built on the note, or ♭vii for a minor triad; in a minor key, the flat symbol is sometimes omitted by some theorists because the subtonic note appears in the natural minor scale, but the flat symbol is usually used for the major scale because the subtonic is a non-scale note.
Na granici sam bio posle ponoci
mrak je moja boja i tu nema pomoci
carinik, jos decak
klimnuo mi glavom, zvanican i krut
i samo lupio pecat
sve u redu, laku noc i sretan put
Put se odmotava ko dugi sivi sal
sutra ce se stare koke picnuti za bal
takav dan se pamti
petnaest godina u vetar poslatih
dolaze svi maturanti
al' ce neki neke tesko poznati
Dosadne proslave
mi dodju kao kazna
ali svejedno, idem
mozda najzad saznam
Gde je moja pegava
dugo me izbegava
nije mi se javila, nikad vise
magija je prestala
negde mi je nestala
kao leptiri pre kise
Gde je moja Peggy Sue
nije ovde, rekli su
oni su odselili, nemoj zvati
ostao je samo lik, mali verni saputnik
mali svitac srebrni da me prati
Promicu dani kao jablani uz drum
jutro vec mirise na vanilu i na rum
gde su, kako se drze
bas da vidim sta je s' dobrim djacima
oni se potrose brze
mi smo nekad bili generacija
Dosadne proslave
mi dodju kao kazna
ali svejedno idem
mozda najzad saznam