Sub Pop is a record label founded in 1986 by Bruce Pavitt. In 1988, Sub Pop Records LLC was formed by Bruce Pavitt and Jonathan Poneman in Seattle, Washington. Sub Pop achieved fame in the late 1980s for first signing Nirvana, Soundgarden, Mudhoney and many other bands from the Seattle alternative rock scene. They are often credited with taking the first steps toward popularizing grunge music, and have continued to achieve critical and commercial success in the new millennium, with bands such as Fleet Foxes, Foals, Beach House, The Postal Service, Flight of the Conchords, Sleater-Kinney, Blitzen Trapper, No Age, Wolf Parade and The Shins on their roster. In 1995 the owners of Sub Pop sold a 49% stake of the label to the Warner Music Group.
The origins of Sub Pop can be traced back to the early 1980s when Bruce Pavitt started a fanzine called Subterranean Pop that focused exclusively on American independent record labels. Pavitt undertook the project in order to earn course credit while attending Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington. By the fourth issue, Pavitt had shortened the name to Sub Pop and began alternating issues with compilation tapes of underground rock bands. The Sub Pop #5 cassette, released in 1982, sold two thousand copies. In 1983, Pavitt moved to Seattle, Washington and released the ninth and final issue of Sub Pop. While in Seattle, he wrote a column for local newspaper The Rocket titled "Sub Pop U.S.A.", a column he ended in 1988.
Yeah, Oh Yeah, Yeah, Oh Yeah!
Go To A Party, We'll Crash It
In A Hotel, We'll Trash It
Got A Bottle, We're Drinking
Got A Yacht, He's Got A Yacht?
We'll Sink It
There's Always Trouble
It Follows Us Around
Everywhere We Seem To Go,
Every City, Every Town
There's Always Trouble
It Follows Us Around
Who's That Knocking At The Door?
Zap, Pow, Biff, Bang, Holy Cow!
Someone's Gonna Get It,
And They're Gonna Get It Now
Smack, Crack, Bish Bash, Heart Attack!
Someone's Gonna Get It,
And They're Gonna Get It Now
It's A Short Walk, We'll Cab It
Got No Invite, We'll Blag It
Got A Light Switch, We'll Fuse It
We've Got A False Box
And We're Gonna Use It
Chorus x1