Sub (formerly TVTV! and Subtv) is a Finnish TV channel owned by Bonnier. The previous owner Alma Media sold Sub and its sister channels (MTV3, MTV Max, AVA Radio Nova and Sävelradio) to Swedish Bonnier and Proventus in 2005.
Sub is an entertainment channel directed at teens and young adults. Programs are mostly imported and of U.S. origin. Sub also shows reruns of popular and cult TV shows. Recently, the share of domestic programming has grown remarkably.
The channel's highest viewership of all time was attracted in 2009, when the finale of Big Brother 2009 was aired.
Subteksti was Sub's teletext service. It was contains music news, TV schedules and interactive services like chats and mobile phone games and services.
Concrete is your mind.
Concrete is your face.
Feckless like your spine.
Feeble one-way race.
Laid and paralyzed.
Wankers mentally fried.
Occupational freaks.
What a lucky streak.
Obsolete. Obsolete. Obsolete. Obsolete.
Concrete satan. Concrete satan.
Concrete satan. Concrete satan.
Concrete satan. Concrete satan.
Concrete satan. Concrete satan.
Gutless blind and repressed.
Tripping misery chest.
You had god dethroned.
Still you die alone.
Obsolete. Obsolete. Obsolete. Obsolete.
Concrete satan. Concrete satan.
Concrete satan. Concrete satan.
Concrete satan. Concrete satan.
Concrete satan. Concrete satan.
Tripping misery chest.
Tripping misery chest.
Tripping misery chest.
Concrete satan. Concrete satan.
Concrete satan. Concrete satan.
Concrete satan. Concrete satan.
Concrete satan. Concrete satan.