The Struan family and their company Struan's (also called the Noble House) is a fictional family featuring heavily in many of the Asian Saga novels by writer James Clavell. The family plays an important role in the novels Tai-Pan, Noble House, Gai-Jin, and Whirlwind. Tai-Pan is the first book about the Struan family, although it is preceded by Shōgun in the Asian saga.
The Struan family begins its journey with the story of Dirk Struan, a trader of opium and other goods between China and England. Dirk is the founder of the Noble House and plays a major role in establishing Hong Kong.
The fictional Struan family is based on the historical Jardine family of Jardine-Matheson fame, and hails from Ayr, Scotland.
As I stand here in the dead of night
I am embraced by a soft purple light
It is not a christian light but deep and soft
like dark wisdom to the fool
but beware!!!
Like wisdom details come with time
and everything appears so fine
it is no damnation burning up your eyes
where you see god and nothing else
but a soft light
soft like a wise womans cloak
Drped and flecked with silver tears
I see the lovely temple without fears...