Cage may refer to:
In the mathematical area of graph theory, a cage is a regular graph that has as few vertices as possible for its girth.
Formally, an (r,g)-graph is defined to be a graph in which each vertex has exactly r neighbors, and in which the shortest cycle has length exactly g. It is known that an (r,g)-graph exists for any combination of r ≥ 2 and g ≥ 3. An (r,g)-cage is an (r,g)-graph with the fewest possible number of vertices, among all (r,g)-graphs.
If a Moore graph exists with degree r and girth g, it must be a cage. Moreover, the bounds on the sizes of Moore graphs generalize to cages: any cage with odd girth g must have at least
vertices, and any cage with even girth g must have at least
vertices. Any (r,g)-graph with exactly this many vertices is by definition a Moore graph and therefore automatically a cage.
There may exist multiple cages for a given combination of r and g. For instance there are three nonisomorphic (3,10)-cages, each with 70 vertices : the Balaban 10-cage, the Harries graph and the Harries–Wong graph. But there is only one (3,11)-cage : the Balaban 11-cage (with 112 vertices).
A cage is an enclosure made of mesh, bars or wires, used to confine, contain or protect something or someone. A cage can serve many purposes, including keeping an animal in captivity, capturing, and being used for display of an animal at a zoo.
In history, prisoners were sometimes kept in a cage. They would sometimes be chained up inside into uncomfortable positions to intensify suffering.
Cages have been usually been used to capture or trapping a certain life form. For this reason, they've been known as a hunting accessory, often used for poaching animals or simply seizing them.
Cages are often used now as a source to confine animals. These provide as a habitat to the animal, and since they've advanced so greatly, they are now specially designed to fit that species of animal. Captive breeds of birds, rodents, reptiles, and even larger animals have also been known to be confined in a cage as a domesticated animal (also known as a pet). Captivity is a common purpose of the cage.
Stripe, striped, or stripes may refer to:
Stripes is a 1981 American military comedy film directed by Ivan Reitman, starring Bill Murray, Harold Ramis, Warren Oates, P. J. Soles, Sean Young and John Candy. Several actors including John Larroquette, John Diehl, Conrad Dunn and Judge Reinhold were featured in their first significant film roles. Joe Flaherty, Dave Thomas, Timothy Busfield and Bill Paxton also appear early in their careers.
John Winger is a cab driver, who, in the span of a few hours, loses his job, his apartment, his car, and his girlfriend. Realizing that his life is a failure, he decides to join the United States Army. Talking his best friend Russell Ziskey (a teacher of English to foreign students) into joining with him, they go to a recruiting office and are soon off to basic training.
Upon arrival at Fort Arnold, they meet their fellow recruits, and their drill sergeant, Sergeant Hulka. Moments after arriving, John offends Sgt. Hulka and is ordered out to do push-ups. He stands out as a misfit throughout the rest of basic training. Their commanding officer is the incompetent Captain Stillman. As basic training progresses, Russell and John become close to female MPs Louise Cooper and Stella Hansen. Not long before graduation, Sgt. Hulka is injured when Stillman orders a mortar crew to fire without setting target coordinates.
Beer cans and cigarette butts cover the floor day
Half gone, he sleeps scared pregnant teen in the doorway
Watching him sleep clutchin' her belly, little feet kick
To send the teen back to the toilet, spent her last week sick
When little Billy feed her ground up Jesus powder
Would've beat her louder if it would've pushed the fetus out of her
Father in the making, crooked M.P. forsaken
The military cop that sells H to bring his cake in
She shaking, praying her labor kicks in before
The doors kicked in for them brown bricks on the floor
I mean, she could tell you exactly how the gutter taste
Father to her kid in custody right when her water breaks
Snitched on his compadres for a few more runs
And the irony in giving a stuffed rat to his newborn son
Dishonorably discharged, no jail time in court
Told to pack his family up and go the fuck back to New York
Fuck Bill Murray, not the actor, the deadbeat dad the smacked
Then left her with rats after he snapped her
The bastard inventor that bent her backwards in winter
With her back against the wall, she can hear death singing in her
With her back against the wall, she still head death singing in her
She's scared to leave him, convinced somehow she really needs him
Back in New York her prison of pain and Billy's freedom
Holdin' her baby, he'd say crazy shit to break her
When she fell asleep, he'd escape her wits end and wouldn't wake her
He'd sneak out the wallo in it role model to shit
That put his Christian scientist father in debt
Gave him his first stroke, he refused his medication
'Cause it went against his religion, he'd rather his lord take him
Through stroke number two and start withering his flesh
Then lay the emaciated world ware two veteran to rest
Left his family debt turmoil and wreckage
And his grandson to scatter his ash over the U.S. Intrepid
Then little Billy plummets to his knees, still numb from it
Held his kid by the arm with a shotgun to his stomach
When threats to destroy what he created get tucked away
When he looks in his son's face to see he might grow up to say
Fuck Bill Murray, not the actor, the deadbeat dad the smacked
Then left her with rats after he snapped her
The bastard inventor that bent her backwards in winter
With her back against the wall, she can hear death singing in her
With her back against the wall, she still head death singing in her
Needle through the skin again, inject the rust and cinnamon
Pull off the tourniquet, load up the shotgun and sentence him
He knows that there's a bed in hell waitin for him
But he aint been sane since he started huffin chloroform
WIth his shit decorum, he lets off shots the neighbors say shooters
Into the phone to Middletown police and state troopers
While every family member on th premises runs from death
Greeted by dozens of officers with guns and vests
His suicide by cop sweater on get low
Is told to the crowd watching him shoot thru the window
His son clutched in his mother's arms, unaware it's the end
They bring him out in handcuffs but never to be seen again
Fuck Bill Murray, not the actor, the deadbeat dad the smacked
Then left her with rats after he snapped her
The bastard inventor that bent her backwards in winter
With her back against the wall, she can hear death singing in her