Strip game
A strip game is a party game, usually involving more than one player, where a player is required to remove clothes when they lose a card hand, points in a game, or otherwise fail to come out ahead. Most board games, card games, sports, or other games, can be adopted to create a stripping variant. A classic example is strip poker, the strip variant of poker.
Strip games can be played by single-sex groups or by mixed groups and may be intended to generate an atmosphere of fun and lighten the social atmosphere, or to heighten the sexual atmosphere by creating sexual excitement. Like other adult or adolescent party games, activities besides removing clothing and playing cards might be involved. ("Truth or Dare?" type options are often included.)
Strip games are comparable to drinking games, in which players are required to match game losses with the drinking of a certain amount of alcohol.
In a strip variant of a game, players, in addition to losing points according to the normal rules of the game, are also required to incrementally remove their clothing. The number of garments removed depends on the particular rules being used, but typically one piece is removed per loss or per point lost. As there are many variants of each game, the rules which will be followed on each occasion will need to be made clear, especially if there are new players. A rule which will need to be clear is when a game is to stop. For example, players can agree for the game to stop when a player is in their underwear, has only one article left or is naked or for the game to continue until only one player is left with some clothes on; and if any player can pull out if they feel uncomfortable. Other rules which will be made clear is when a player must remove clothing, as well as what constitutes "clothing" (for example, whether a pair of shoes or socks is one article or two, and whether jewelry, sunglasses or other accessories are clothing).