OpenPlans is a non-profit technology based advocacy organization which aims to help to open up government and improve transportation systems. OpenPlans currently has a staff of 20 people. The organization was founded in 1999 by Mark Gorton, the creator of LimeWire.
The organisation has received funding from Google, Institute for Transportation and Development Policy, Knight Foundation, the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO), SURDNA Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, the World Bank and others.
OpenPlans organises its activities into a number of divisions or projects.
OpenGeo, now Boundless, was the geospatial division of OpenPlans supporting the development of a number of open-source software packages for the geospatial analysis, management and publication of geospatial information; these include PostGIS, GeoServer, GeoWebCache, GeoExt, and OpenLayers. In April 2013, OpenGeo took on investment and spun out from OpenPlans to establish itself as an independent company. In September 2013, the company changed its name to Boundless, creating a new corporate brand to better reflect the growing range of platforms, applications (now including QGIS), and services the company develops and sells.