Famous quotes by Stevie Smith:
"All poetry has to do is to make a strong communication. All the poet has to do is listen. The poet is not an important fellow. There will also be another poet."
"I may be smelly and I may be old, Rough in my pebbles, reedy in my pools, But where my fish float by I bless their swimming, And I like the people to bathe in me especially women."
"Bad women poets are better characters, they seldom... get drunk... go to prison... shoot the pianist. Their faults are soul fullness and banality. They like to commune (who does not) with the deity, nature, and themselves, but their words do not quite carry the traffic... some bad men poets can persuade people... that tricks and shocks are a substitute for talent... good poets of either sex are above these quarrels."
"I don't think Auden liked my poetry very much, he's very Anglican."
"This Englishwoman is so refined, She has no bosom and no behind."
"I'm sorry to say my dear wife is a dreamer,/ And as she dreams she gets paler and leaner./ Then be off to your Dream, with his fly-away hat,/ I'll stay with the girls who are happy and fat."
"Nobody heard him, the dead man, But still he lay moaning. I was much further out than you thought, and not waving but drowning. I was much too far out all my life, And not waving but drowning."
"I wish I had something exciting to tell you, but if I won $140,000, my share would be 70 (thousand). That's about what I'm in the hole, so that would bring me back even."
"Not Waving but Drowning."
"I'm alive today, therefore I'm just as much a part of our time as everybody else. The times will just have to enlarge themselves to make room for me, won't they, and for everybody else."