Sten Sture the Elder (Sten Sture den äldre; 1440 – 14 December 1503) was a Swedish statesman and regent of Sweden from (1470–1497 and 1501–1503).
In contemporary sources he is alternatively referred to as Sten Gustavsson or Herr Sten (Sir Sten); the practice of using noble family names as part of a personal name was not yet in use in Sweden at the time. He was born around 1440, the son of Gustav Anundsson of the Sture family and Birgitta Stensdotter Bielke, half-sister of the future Charles VIII. The Sture family was one of the high-ranking noble families of the time, though only distantly related to the royal house; his closest royal ancestor was King Sverker II of Sweden (both through family of Vinga and through family of Aspenäs). Sture's father, Gustav Anundsson, was Castellan of Kalmar Castle and a Privy Councillor, but died when the son was four. Birgitta Stensdotter remarried Gustav Karlsson of the Gumsehuvud family, and the son was most likely raised in their home, first at Kalmar Castle and later at Ekholmen Castle.
Sture was the name of two influential families in Sweden from the late 15th century to the early 16th century. One member of one of these families and two members of the other served as Regents of Sweden in the Kalmar Union between 1470 and 1520. The Sture Party were supported by the peasants and burgesses which often resulted in conflict with the church and the nobility in the Privy Council who more often supported the Union.
Sten Sture the younger's son Svante Stensson Sture was elevated in 1561 to comital rank, becoming 1st Count Sture of Bogesund and/or Stegeholm.
See life pass you by
Your last hour growing nearer
Enjoyed all pleasures of life
trying to latch on
Desperately trying
trying to latch on
The elder want to grasp
The elder want to know
One foot in the grave
Pass on your wisdom
Made the choices and decisions
Desperately trying to latch on
See the world pass you by
Everything seems to fast
The elder want to grasp