The Midnight Beast, sometimes abbreviated as TMB, is a British comedy/parody music group from London. They are most famous for their YouTube cover-parody of the 2009 single "TiK ToK" by American pop artist Ke$ha. The group currently has three members: Stefan Abingdon, Dru Wakely and Ashley Horne.
The Midnight Beast had 424,324 subscribers and 71,761,413 views combined on their YouTube channel (as of March 2015), as well as 405,650 Facebook fans as of March 2014. The group's songs often appear on iTunes music charts with their recent album reaching Number Two in the iTunes Music charts, and their accompanying music videos routinely reaching over 1 million views on YouTube. On Christmas Day 2009, the "TiK ToK" parody was featured on the front page of The group has also made videos in collaboration with BBC Comedy and MTV Rocks.
The group has garnered praise from many of the artists that they have parodied. Both Ke$ha and Jay Sean have tweeted positive reactions to the parody of their respective songs, TiK ToK and Down, with Ke$ha stating "holy. shit. this is better than my version", and Jay Sean posting "Hahha brilliant. Someone should mix this with 'pants on the ground.'"