Esso /ˈɛsoʊ/ is an American brand that is the American trade name for ExxonMobil and its related companies. The name is a phonetic version of the initials of the pre-1911 Standard Oil (SO = Esso), and as such became the focus of much litigation and regulatory restriction in the United States. In 1972 it was largely replaced in the U.S. by the Exxon brand after it bought Humble Oil, while Esso remained widely used elsewhere. In most of the world, the Esso brand and the Mobil brand are the primary brand names of ExxonMobil, with the Exxon brand name still in use only in the United States alongside Mobil.
In 1911, Standard Oil was broken up into 34 companies, some of which were named "Standard Oil" and had the rights to that brand in certain states (the other companies had no territorial rights). Standard Oil of New Jersey ("Jersey Standard") had the rights in that state, plus in Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and the District of Columbia. By 1941, it had also acquired the rights in Pennsylvania, Delaware, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Louisiana. In those states, it marketed its products under the brand "Esso", the phonetic pronunciation of the letters "S" and "O".
Imperial Oil Limited (French: L'Impériale) is a Canadian petroleum company. It is Canada's second-biggest integrated oil company.Exxon Mobil Corp. had a 69.6 percent ownership stake in the company as of December 31, 2012. It is a significant producer of crude oil and natural gas, Canada’s major petroleum refiner, a key petrochemical producer and a national marketer with coast-to-coast supply and retail networks. Its retail operations include Esso-brand service stations and On the Run/Marché Express and Tiger Express-brand convenience stores. It is also known for its holdings in the Alberta Oil Sands. Imperial owns 25 percent of Syncrude, which is one of the world’s largest oil sands operations.
Currently headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, Imperial Oil was based in Toronto, Ontario, until 2005. Imperial Oil maintains major corporate offices in Calgary, Toronto and Montreal.
Most of Imperial's production is from its vast natural resource holdings in Alberta and the Northwest Territories.
ESSO may refer to:
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