Statute of Veneto
The Statute of Veneto Region is the present Constitution of Veneto, first passed by the Regional Council of Veneto on 18 October 2011 with unanimous decision, then confirmed with a second approval by the Council on 11 January 2012 and subsequently entered into force on 17 April 2012. It replaces the previous Statute, which had been passed by the first elected Regional Council of Veneto on 10 December 1970, had been approved by the Italian Parliament on 22 May 1971 and had been modified as the result of constitutional law no. 1 of 22 November 1999 and constitutional law no. 3 of 18 October 18, 2001. It is usually called "Statute of Veneto" or just "Statute". With specific reference to the new version of the Statute, also the expression "New Statute" is employed.
Structure of the Statute