Central to the text is the concept of the “alchemical re-ascent,” a process of returning to a primordial state of unity, symbolized by androgyny ... state as a masculine-androgynous unity.
Stone said the shared access to the library has been a symbol of goodwill between Canada and the UnitedStates for more than a century and he hopes it will remain as such.
... years you've lived but also the immeasurable impact you've made on all of us.” He praised her as a symbol of strength, resilience, and grace, stating that her kindness has nurtured countless lives.
AmericanRodeo now joins the pantheon of state symbols, next to the duck-billed dinosaur (state fossil), Scobey soil (state soil), bitterroot (state floral emblem), blackspotted cutthroat trout (state ...
CLARION CO., Pa ... in Courtroom #1 before President JudgeSara J. Seidle-Patton ... Miller responded “no,” but a stamp size bag with a peace symbol fell onto the counter while corrections officers were searching his wallet, the complaint states ... .
... It stated ... The state criminalizes the glorification of the ousted Assad regime and its symbols; denying its crimes or praising, justifying, or downplaying them is considered a crime punishable by law.
they shouldn't expect to be part of the discussion about Estonia," he told public broadcaster ERR in January.</p><p> Voting rights are just the latest symbolic act of cutting ties with Russia.
It is believed that the battle lasted for nine days, in which Maa Durga unleashed her nine forms, and on the tenth day she emerged victorious, which became a symbol of the victory of good over evil.
Had he declared all slaves free in every state, regardless of federal jurisdiction, the proclamation would have been little more than a gesture — symbolic, perhaps stirring, but legally void.
Experts, including sociolinguist Dr ...Amit Kalley, a former educator in British schools, emphasised the need for better awareness, stating that many parents and teachers are unaware of the coded language and symbols used in these online communities.
Following the fall of the army’s western Regional Military Command at Ann in central Rakhine last December, the capture of the state capital would have powerful symbolic and political significance for ...