Starfinger is a fictional DC Comics supervillain. He first appeared in Adventure Comics #335 (August 1965) and was an enemy of the Legion of Super-Heroes.
Starfinger was a helmeted figure with five different powers generated by each finger of his right hand. The Legion discovers that Starfinger is actually Lightning Lad, controlled by Dr. Lars Hanscom. Hanscom, under the guise of examining Lightning Lad's robotic arm, had hypnotized the Legionnaire and outfitted him with the Starfinger glove, so that Hanscom could obtain the rare metal rejuvium by threatening to destroy the "Seven Wonders of the 30th Century." Hanscom was brought to justice; after escaping prison, he briefly tried a criminal career on his own. His most notorious crime was the kidnapping of one of Duo Damsel's bodies during her wedding to Bouncing Boy. He later tried as "Doctor Larsh" (Lars H.) to use Lightning Lad again on the eve of the birth of the Legionnaire's twins, but was easily defeated.