A Taiwanese taiko drummer

The beat is the basic unit of time in music, the pulse of the mensural level[1] (or beat level).[2] In popular use, the beat can refer to a variety of related concepts including: tempo, meter, rhythm and groove. In modern pop music, the term "beats" has been used to describe whole pieces of composed music.[citation needed] This is a distinct and separate use of the term from the way "beat" is used traditionally as related only to the rhythmic element of music.

Rhythm in music is characterized by a repeating sequence of stressed and unstressed beats (often called "strong" and "weak") and divided into bars organized by time signature and tempo indications.

Metric levels faster than the beat level are division levels, and slower levels are multiple levels. See Meter (music)#Metric structure.


[edit] Downbeat

The downbeat is the impulse that occurs at the beginning of a bar in measured music.[3] Its name is derived from the downward stroke of the director or conductor's baton on the first beat of each measure. It frequently carries the strongest accent of the rhythmic cycle. However, in some cases, the downbeat may not be emphasized. Such departure from the normal stress pattern of a measure is a form of syncopation.

Upbeat [link]

(Ger. Auftakt).

Beginning of Bach's BWV736, with upbeat (anacrusis) in red.

1. An unaccented beat or beats that occur before the first beat of the following measure. In other words, this is an impulse in a measured rhythm that immediately precedes, and hence anticipates, the downbeat. It can be the last beat in a bar where that bar precedes a new bar of music.[4]

2. An anticipatory note or succession of notes occurring before the first barline of a piece, sometimes referred to as an ‘upbeat figure’, section or phrase. An alternative expression is "anacrusis" (from Greek. ana: "up towards" and krousis: "to strike"; Fr. anacrouse). This term was borrowed from poetry where it refers to one or more unstressed extrametrical syllables at the beginning of a line.[4]

3. The upward stroke made by a conductor to indicate the beat that leads into a new measure.

N.B. This expression is sometimes loosely used outside the field of music to denote anything positive-sounding; e.g. an "upbeat assessment of a company's prospects"

On-beat and off-beat [link]

Off-beat or backbeat pattern, popular on snare drum[5] About this sound play
File:Skank on Em64.png
"Skank" guitar rhythm[6]About this sound Play . Often referred to as "upbeats", in parallel with upstrokes.

In music that progresses regularly in 4/4 time, counted as "1 2 3 4, 1 2 3 4...", the first beat of the bar (down-beat) is usually the strongest accent in the melody and the likeliest place for a chord change, the third is the next strongest: these are "on" beats. The second and fourth are weaker - the "off-beats". Subdivisions (like eighth notes) that fall between the pulse beats are even weaker and these, if used frequently in a rhythm, can also make it "off-beat".[7] The effect can be easily simulated by evenly and repeatedly counting to four: Bold denotes a stressed beat. As a background against which to compare these various rhythms a bass drum strike on the downbeat and a constant eighth note subdivision on ride cymbal have been added, which would be counted as follows:

So Off-beat is a musical term commonly applied to syncopation that emphasizes the weak even beats of a bar, as opposed to the "normal" on-beat. This is a fundamental technique of African polyrhythm that transferred to popular western music. According to Grove Music, the “Offbeat” is [often] where the downbeat is replaced by a rest or is tied over from the preceding bar".[7] The downbeat can never be the off-beat because it is the strongest beat in 4/4 time.[8] Certain genres in particular tend to emphasize the off-beat. This emphasis is a defining characteristic of rock'n'roll and Ska music.

Backbeat [link]

Back beat[9]
It's got a backbeat, you can't lose it - Chuck Berry

A back beat, or backbeat, is a syncopated accentuation on the "off" beat. In a simple 4/4 rhythm these are beats 2 and 4.[10] Emphasized back beat, a feature of some African styles, defined rhythm and blues recordings in the late 1940s and so became one of the defining characteristics of rock and roll and much contemporary Western popular music.

An early record with an emphasised back beat throughout was "Good Rockin' Tonight" by Wynonie Harris in 1948.[citation needed] However drummer Earl Palmer claimed the honour for "The Fat Man" by Fats Domino in 1949, which he played on, saying he adopted it from the final "shout" or "out" chorus common in Dixieland jazz. However urban contemporary gospel was stressing the back beat much earlier with hand-clapping and tambourines. There is a hand-clapping back beat on "Roll 'Em Pete" by Pete Johnson and Big Joe Turner, recorded in 1938. A distinctive back beat can be heard on "Back Beat Boogie" by Harry James And His Orchestra, recorded in late 1939.[11] Other early recorded examples include the final verse of "Grand Slam" by Benny Goodman in 1942 and some sections of The Glenn Miller Orchestra's "(I've Got A Girl In) Kalamazoo", while amateur direct-to-disc recordings of Charlie Christian jamming at Minton's Playhouse around the same time have a sustained snare-drum back-beat on the hottest choruses.

Delayed backbeat (last eighth note in each measure) as in funk music[12] About this sound play

In the mid 1940s "hillbilly" musicians the Delmore Brothers were turning out boogie tunes with a hard driving back beat, such as the #2 hit "Freight Train Boogie" in 1946, as well as in other boogie songs they recorded.[13] Similarly Fred Maddox’s trademark back beat, a slapping bass style, helped drive a rhythm that came to be known as rockabilly, one of the early forms of rock and roll.[14] Maddox had used this style as early as 1937.[15]

In today's popular music the snare drum is typically used to play the backbeat pattern.[5] Early funk music often delayed one of the backbeats so as, "to give a 'kick' to the [overall] beat".[12]

Some songs, such as The Beatles' "Please Please Me" and "I Want to Hold Your Hand", The Knack's "Good Girls Don't" and Blondie's cover of The Nerves' "Hanging on the Telephone", employ a double backbeat pattern.[16] In a double backbeat, one of the off beats is played as two eighth notes rather than one quarter note.[16]

[edit] Cross beat

Cross-rhythm. A rhythm in which the regular pattern of accents of the prevailing meter is contradicted by a conflicting pattern and not merely a momentary displacement that leaves the prevailing meter fundamentally unchallenged—New Harvard Dictionary of Music (1986: 216).[17]

In Sub-Saharan African music traditions (and many Diaspora musics) cross-rhythm is the generating principle; the meter is in a permanent state of contradiction.

Three-against-two [link]

The cross-rhythmic ratio three-over-two (3:2) or vertical hemiola, is the most significant rhythmic cell found in sub-Saharan rhythms. The following measure is evenly divided by three beats and two beats. The two cycles do not share equal status though. The two bottom notes are the primary beats, the ground, the main temporal referent. The three notes above are the secondary beats. Typically, the dancer's feet mark the primary beats, while the secondary beats are accented musically.

Three-over-two cross-rhythm. About this sound Play

The example below shows the African 3:2 cross-rhythm within its proper metric structure.

File:3 over 2.-Bmus.png
Three-over-two cross-rhythm.

Novotney observes: "The 3:2 relationship (and [its] permutations) is the foundation of most typical polyrhythmic textures found in West African musics."[18] 3:2 is the generative or theoretic form of sub-Saharan rhythmic principles. Agawu succinctly states: "[The] resultant [3:2] rhythm holds the key to understanding . . . there is no independence here, because 2 and 3 belong to a single Gestalt."[19]

Three-against-four [link]

The three-against-four (3:4) cross-rhythm consists of a "slow" cycle of three beats over four main beats. The three-beat cycle is represented as half-notes in the following example for visual emphasis.

Three-against-four cross-rhythm. About this sound Play

Hyperbeat [link]

Hypermeter: 4 beat measure, 4 measure hypermeasure, and 4 hypermeasure verses. Hyperbeats in red.

A hyperbeat is one unit of hypermeter, generally a measure. "Hypermeter is meter, with all its inherent characteristics, at the level where measures act as beats."[20]

Related concepts [link]

  • Afterbeat refers to a percussion style where a strong accent is sounded on the second, third and fourth beats of the bar, following the downbeat.[10]
  • In Reggae music, the term One Drop reflects the complete de-emphasis (to the point of silence) of the first beat in the cycle.
  • James Brown’s signature funk groove emphasized the downbeat – that is, with heavy emphasis "on the one" (the first beat of every measure) – to etch his distinctive sound, rather than the back beat (familiar to many R&B musicians) which places the emphasis on the second beat.[21][22][23][24][25]

See also [link]

References [link]

  1. ^ Berry, Wallace (1976/1986). Structural Functions in Music, p.349. ISBN 0-486-25384-8.
  2. ^ Winold, Allen (1975). "Rhythm in Twentieth-Century Music", Aspects of Twentieth-Century Music, p.213. Wittlich, Gary (ed.). Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice–Hall. ISBN 0-13-049346-5.
  3. ^ "Downbeat". Grove Music Online. 2007. https://www.grovemusic.com. Retrieved 2007-02-10. 
  4. ^ a b DOGANTAN, MINE (2007). "Upbeat". Grove Music Online. https://www.grovemusic.com. Retrieved 2007-02-10. 
  5. ^ a b Schroedl, Scott (2001). Play Drums Today!, p.11. Hal Leonard. ISBN 0-634-02185-0.
  6. ^ Snyder, Jerry (1999). Jerry Snyder's Guitar School, p.28. ISBN 0-7390-0260-0.
  7. ^ a b "Beat: Accentuation. (i) Strong and weak beats.". Grove Music Online. 2007. https://www.grovemusic.com. Retrieved 2007-02-10. 
  8. ^ "Off-beat". Grove Music Online. 2007. https://www.grovemusic.com. Retrieved 2007-02-10. 
  9. ^ "Introduction to the 'Chop'", Anger, Darol. Strad (0039-2049); 10/01/2006, Vol. 117 Issue 1398, p72-75.
  10. ^ a b "Backbeat". Grove Music Online. 2007. https://www.grovemusic.com. Retrieved February 10, 2007. 
  11. ^ The Ultimate Jazz Archive - Set 17/42
  12. ^ a b Mattingly, Rick (2006). All About Drums, p.104. Hal Leonard. ISBN 1-4234-0818-7.
  13. ^ https://partners.academic.ru/dic.nsf/enwiki/611095[dead link]
  14. ^ NPR News Riding the Rails to Stardom - The Maddox Brothers and Rose
  15. ^ "The Maddox Bros & Rose". Rockabilly Hall of Fame. https://www.rockabillyhall.com/MaddoxRose.html. Retrieved June 29, 2011. 
  16. ^ a b Cateforis, C. (2011). Are We Not New Wave?: Modern Pop at the Turn of the 1980s. University of Michigan Press. pp. 140–141. ISBN 978-0-472-03470-3. 
  17. ^ New Harvard Dictionary of Music (1986: 216). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  18. ^ Novotney, Eugene D. (1998). The Three Against Two Relationship as the Foundation of Timelines in West African Musics Urbana, IL: University of Illinois. UnlockingClave.com.
  19. ^ Agawu, Kofi (2003: 92). Representing African Music: Postcolonial Notes, Queries, Positions New York: Routledge. ISBN 0-415-94390-6.
  20. ^ Neal, Jocelyn. Wolfe, Charles K., and James E. Akenson (eds.) (2000). "Songwriter's Signature, Artist's Imprint: The Metric Structure of a Country Song", p.115, Country Music Annual 2000. Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky. ISBN 0-8131-0989-2.
  21. ^ Pareles, Jon (2006-12-25). "James Brown, the ‘Godfather of Soul’, Dies at 73". New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2006/12/25/arts/music/25cnd-brown.html?pagewanted=2&ei=5088&en=91af3e9694363d10&ex=1324702800&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss. Retrieved 2007-01-10. 
  22. ^ Gross, T. (1989). Musician Maceo Parker (Fresh Air WHYY-FM audio interview). National Public Radio. Retrieved January 22, 2007.
  23. ^ Lessons in listening - Concepts section: Fantasy, Earth Wind & Fire, The Best of Earth Wind & Fire Volume I, Freddie White. (1998, January). Modern Drummer Magazine, pp. 146–152. Retrieved January 21, 2007.
  24. ^ According to the New York Times, by the "mid-1960s Brown was producing his own recording sessions. In February 1965, with “Papa’s Got a Brand New Bag,” he decided to shift the beat of his band: from the one-two-three-four backbeat to one-two-three-four. “I changed from the upbeat to the downbeat,” Mr. Brown said in 1990. “Simple as that, really.”
  25. ^ According to Maceo Parker, Brown's former saxophonist, playing on the downbeat was at first hard for him and took some getting used to. Reflecting back to his early days with Brown's band, Parker reported that he had difficulty in playing "on the one" during solo performances, since he was used to hearing and playing with the accent on the second beat.

Further reading [link]


Future (disambiguation)

The future is the time after the present.

Future or The Future may also refer to:

  • Futures contract, a standardized financial contract
  • Future (programming)
  • Future tense, in grammar
  • Companies

  • Future plc, a British publishing company
  • Future Systems, a London-based architectural and design practice
  • Awards

  • The Future Awards, a Nigerian award series for youths between 18-30
  • Music

  • The Future (Leonard Cohen album), an album (and a song on it) by Leonard Cohen
  • The Future (Guy album), 1990
  • The Future (Rodney P album), 2004
  • Futur (album), an album by Booba, 2012
  • "The Future" (song), a song by Prince
  • "The Future", a song by Joe Budden from his album Padded Room (album)
  • The Future, former name of The Human League, an English synthpop/new wave band
  • Phuture, aka Phuture 303, an American house music group
  • Future (rapper), an American rapper
  • The Future, a 2005 album by American Christian hip hop artist Mr. Del
  • Film and television

  • The Future (film), a 2011 film by Miranda July
  • The Future (Doctor Who audio), an audio drama based on the British science fiction TV series Doctor Who
  • Futures contract

    In finance, a futures contract (more colloquially, futures) is a standardized forward contract which can be easily traded between parties other than the two initial parties to the contract. The parties initially agree to buy and sell an asset for a price agreed upon today (the forward price) with delivery and payment occurring at a future point, the delivery date. Because it is a function of an underlying asset, a futures contract is a derivative product.

    Contracts are negotiated at futures exchanges, which act as a marketplace between buyers and sellers. The buyer of a contract is said to be long position holder, and the selling party is said to be short position holder. As both parties risk their counterparty walking away if the price goes against them, the contract may involve both parties lodging a margin of the value of the contract with a mutually trusted third party. For example, in gold futures trading, the margin varies between 2% and 20% depending on the volatility of the spot market.

    Future 3

    Future 3 is a Danish ambient music trio, consisting of Anders Remmer, Thomas Knak and Jesper Skaaning. Their music is, like many other Scandinavian ambient artists such as Biosphere, characterized by a cold and bright sound. Except for their latest album, released in 2002 using the name 'System', all their records have been released by the Danish record label April Records.

    All three members of Future 3, have released solo records under aliases such as Dub Tractor (Anders Remmer), Acustic (Jesper Skaaning) and Opiate (Thomas Knak). In 1998, the single The boy from West Bronx, received some attention from international media such as MTV.


  • We Are the Future 3 – (April Records, 1995)
  • The boy from West Bronx EP – (April Records, 1998)
  • Stay with... – (April Records, 1998)
  • Reverberate EP – (April Records, 2001)
  • Like... – (April Records, 2001)
  • System (under System alias) – (~scape, 2002)
  • Tempo EP (under System alias) – (Rump Recordings, 2007)
  • With And Without – (Morr Music, 2014)
  • External links

    Spirit (This Condition album)

    Spirit is This Condition's third EP, a five-track album recorded in April 2010. It was released on July 27, 2010 through online retailers and digital music stores (iTunes), as well as a physical release through the band's online merch store. Recorded in Boonton, NJ's The Pilot Studio with producer Rob Freeman, whom the band had worked with on three singles in 2009, the album features five new tracks, including "Go" and "Stay Right Here".


  • "Stay Right Here" - 3:43
  • "Lost" - 3:47
  • "She Loves Me" - 3:25
  • "Go" - 3:56
  • "I Think I Like You" - 3:21
  • Personnel

    Band members

  • Nathen Cyphert – Vocals, Acoustic Guitar
  • Mike McGovern - Guitar, Mandolin
  • Nick Cantatore – Bass
  • Devin Passariello – Drums
  • Stephen Conley - Guitar, Backing Vocals
  • Production

  • Produced and Mixed by Rob Freeman
  • Mastered by Mike Fossenkemper
  • Additional Performers

  • Trumpet on 'I Think I Like You' performed by Andrew Cramb

  • All songs written and performed by This Condition


    External links

  • Official This Condition Website
  • List of Pokémon (52–101)

    The Pokémon (ポケモン Pokemon) franchise has 721 (as of the release of Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire) distinctive fictional species classified as the titular Pokémon. This is a selected listing of 50 of the Pokémon species, originally found in the Red and Green versions, arranged as they are in the main game series' National Pokédex.


    Meowth (ニャース Nyāsu, Nyarth), known as the Scratch Cat Pokémon, has a distinctly feline appearance, resembling a small housecat. It has cream-colored fur, which turns brown at its paws and tail tip. Its oval-shaped head features prominent whiskers, black-and-brown ears, and a koban, a gold oval coin (also known as "charm") embedded in its forehead. Meowth are valued for their ability to collect coins using their signature move, "Pay Day", as it is the only Pokémon that learns it. Meowth's coloration, its love of coins, and its charm indicate that Meowth is based on the Japanese Maneki Neko, a cat-shaped figurine that is said to bring good luck and money to its owner. Aspects of Meowth were drawn from a Japanese myth dealing with the true value of money, in which a cat has money on its head but does not realize it.

    Spirit (Eluveitie album)

    Spirit is the first full-length album by the Swiss folk metal band Eluveitie. It was released on June 1, 2006 by Fear Dark Records and re-released by Twilight Records in 2007.

    Track listing

    All songs written by Chrigel Glanzmann, except "The Endless Knot" & "Of Fire, Wind and Wisdom" by Chrigel Glanzmann and Ivo Henzi



    Adapted from Discogs

  • Chrigel Glanzmann - Lead vocals, acoustic guitar, bagpipes (Shepard pipe, Uilleann), lyrics
  • Sime Koch - Guitars
  • Ivo Henzi - Guitars
  • Rafi Kirder - Bass guitar
  • Merlin Sutter - Drums
  • Sarah Kiener - Accordion, Crumhorn, Hurdy-gurdy, Bass-shalm, vocals
  • Sevan Kirder - Gaita bagpipes, backing vocals, Irish flute
  • Toby Roth - Accordion
  • Linda Suter - Fiddle, vocals
  • Meri Tadic - Fiddle, vocals
  • Additional

  • Markus Stock - Co-producer, mixer, sound engineer
  • Tobias Schönemann - Co-producer
  • Martijn van Groeneveldt - Masterer
  • Klaus Grimmer - Sound engineer
  • References

