Sphere is the name of the following musical groups:
Sphere were an American jazz ensemble which began as a tribute to pianist/composer Thelonious Monk, whose middle name was "Sphere".
The band initially consisting of Monk's longtime tenor saxophonist Charlie Rouse, pianist Kenny Barron, bassist Buster Williams, and Monk's former drummer Ben Riley. Saxophonist Gary Bartz assumed Rouse's place after his death in 1988.
Sphere is a Polish brutal death metal act, rooted in an old school death metal. Established in Warsaw, Poland in 2002, with Bolek (guit), Val (guit), Th0rn (dr) and Jasiek (voc) as the original members. In 2004, after several line-up changes, the band released a Spiritual Dope demo.
In 2005, Analripper, known also from death/grind Pyorrhoea, joined the band as the vocalist.
On 20 January 2007, the band debuted with the Damned Souls Rituals LP, released through Empire Records. The album was recorded in Zed Studio, Olkusz, Poland and was spread out in 5000 copies.
Three years later, in 2010 Sphere entered Zed Studio again to record their second album. The Homo Hereticus was released by Masterful Records on 10 February 2012. The music stemmed from death metal origin yet was enriched with fresh groovy ideas. For the next two years the band played a number of concerts including the ones with bands such as Cannibal Corpse, Cryptopsy, Vital Remains, Obituary, and Disgorge. In the meantime another personal changes took place and in July 2014, including: Th0rn – drums, Diego – guitars, Beton – bass, Iron – guitars, Dawidek – vocals, Sphere recorded the material for their third Mindless Mass LP. The whole recording process was supervised by Filip 'Heinrich' Hałucha and done in Sound Division Studio, Warsaw, Poland. Guest solo part to the Leash track was recorded by Jacek Hiro. Shortly afterwards Iron decided to leave the band, replaced by an Artur 'Xan' Grabarczyk.
Tandem (or in tandem) is an arrangement in which a team of machines, animals or people are lined up one behind another, all facing in the same direction.
The original use of the term in English was in tandem harness, which is used for two or more draft horses, or other draft animals, harnessed in a single line one behind another, as opposed to a pair, harnessed side by side, or a team of several pairs. The tandem harness allows additional animals to provide pulling power for a vehicle designed for a single animal.
The English word tandem derives with a word play from the Latin adverb tandem, meaning at length or finally.
Tandem seating may be used on a tandem bicycle where it is alternative to sociable seating. Tandem can also be used more generally to refer to any group of persons or objects working together, not necessarily in line.
The Messerschmitt KR200 was an example of a very small automobile that used tandem seating. A tandem arrangement may also be used for cars parked in a residential garage.
Titan Saturn System Mission (TSSM) was a joint NASA–ESA proposal for an exploration of Saturn and its moons Titan and Enceladus, where many complex phenomena were revealed by Cassini. With an estimated NASA cost of $2.5 billion (FY07), TSSM was proposed to launch in 2020, get gravity assists from Earth and Venus, and arrive at the Saturn system in 2029. The 4-year prime mission would include a two-year Saturn tour, a 2-month Titan aero-sampling phase, and a 20-month Titan orbit phase.
In 2009, a mission to Jupiter and its moons was given priority over Titan Saturn System Mission, although TSSM will continue to be studied for a later launch date.
The Titan Saturn System Mission (TSSM) was officially created in January 2009 by the merging of the ESA's Titan and Enceladus Mission (TandEM) with NASA's Titan Explorer (2007) study, although plans to combine both concepts date at least back to early 2008. TSSM was competing against the Europa Jupiter System Mission (EJSM) proposal for funding since then; however in February 2009 it was announced that NASA/ESA had given EJSM priority ahead of TSSM, although TSSM will continue to be studied for a later launch date, probably sometime in the 2020s. Detailed assessment reports of the mission elements as well as a specific concept for a lake-landing module for Titan's lakes called Titan Mare Explorer (TiME) with the potential of becoming a part of the TSSM have been proposed in February and October 2009, respectively.
Rider may refer to:
Rider is a publishing imprint of Ebury Publishing, a Penguin Random House division. The list was started by William Rider & Son in Britain in 1908 when he took over the occult publisher Phillip Wellby. The editorial director of the new list was Ralph Shirley and under his direction, they began to publish titles as varied as the Rider Waite Tarot and Bram Stoker's Dracula.
Today the Rider motto is "New Ideas for New Ways of Living" and books and authors on the list reflects this. There are still books on the paranormal, with authors like Raymond Moody and Colin Fry; and spirituality, with books by the Dalai Lama and Jack Kornfield; but there are also books on current and international affairs by authors as diverse as Nobel Prize-winners Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Shirin Ebadi.