... said the forest officer.The forest department has identified vulnerable areas that need special attention, including forest borders and roads where human activity poses a threat to prevent wildfires.
'Our effort is that the border areas of Uttarakhand should also get special benefits of tourism ... 10 villages of this area have also been included in this scheme,' the PM said.
... teens, including a computer room and areas for personal development. Other areas include a wellness room for seniors, a space for those with special needs, and an expansion of the ChildWatchCenter.
NEWPHILADELPHIA ‒ Responding to concerns expressed about a proposal to expand hours for the DORA (Downtown Outdoor Refreshment Area) in downtown New Philadelphia, city council will consider a revised plan involving a smaller expansion.
“The EELC and Blind SA call on government to regulate this area to ensure that there is an adequate legal framework supporting the needs and safety of learners living in special school hostels,” said Anjuli Maistry, the senior attorney at EELC.
(AP) — Democrat Dan Goughnour is the winner of a special election in western Pennsylvania, keeping majority control of the state House in his party’s hands ... There's also a special election Tuesday for a vacancy in the state Senate created when Sen.
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Marrero-Priegues said the project will attain additional public benefit height and public benefit Floor Lot Area by availing itself of the special public benefit bonuses for the site’s T6-24B Transect zoning.
People come by and I'm still in my pajamas.' Her parents were both avid gardeners — her dad grew vegetables and her mother specialized in flowers ... in Laguna Beach, with special buses shuttling ticket holders to tours of several area gardens.