Spatial Corp

Spatial Corporation was founded in 1986, and had one main product: ACIS, the first commercially available 3D modeling kernel. Through subsequent years, Spatial added products to its portfolio that enabled ISVs mostly in the CAD/CAM industries, to build applications. These components included extensions and updates to the ACIS modeler, visualization products, as well as acquisitions in translator technology.

A significant transformation took place at Spatial when it was purchased by Dassault Systèmes in late 2000. Spatial Corp. became a subsidiary of Dassault Systèmes.

Flagship products

  • CGM (Convergence Geometric Modeler) - the core geometry and topology modeler for Dassault Systèmes’ V5 and V6
  • 3D ACIS Modeler - features an open, object-oriented C++ architecture that enables robust, 3D modeling capabilities
  • 3D InterOp - CAD data translation framework.
  • 3D Visualization - the HOOPS 3D Application Framework enables the development of 3D Visualization applications with advanced 2D and 3D graphics functionality.
  • Podcasts:
