In architecture and structural engineering, a space frame or space structure is a truss-like, lightweight rigid structure constructed from interlocking struts in a geometric pattern. Space frames can be used to span large areas with few interior supports. Like the truss, a space frame is strong because of the inherent rigidity of the triangle; flexing loads (bending moments) are transmitted as tension and compression loads along the length of each strut.
Space frames were independently developed by Alexander Graham Bell around 1900 and Buckminster Fuller in the 1950s. Bell's interest was primarily in using them to make rigid frames for nautical and aeronautical engineering, with the tetrahedral truss being one of his inventions. However few of his designs were realised. Buckminster Fuller's focus was architectural structures; his work had greater influence. Introduction of the first space grid system called MERO in 1943 in Germany initiated the use of space trusses in architecture. The commonly used method, still in use has individual tubular members connected at node joints (ball shaped). Different systems like space deck system, octet truss system, Pyramitec system, Unibat system, Cubic system, etc. were developed. A method of Tree supports was developed to replace the individual columns.