Soyuz 28 (Russian: Союз 28, Union 28) was a 1978 Soviet manned mission to the orbiting Salyut 6 space station. It was the fourth mission to the station, the third successful docking, and the second visit to the resident crew launched in Soyuz 26.
Cosmonaut Vladimír Remek from Czechoslovakia became the first person launched into space who was not a citizen of the United States or the Soviet Union. The other crew member was Aleksei Gubarev. The flight was the first mission in the Intercosmos program that gave Eastern Bloc and other communist states access to space through manned and unmanned launches.
The Soyuz 28 mission was the first Intercosmos flight, whereby military pilots from Soviet bloc nations were flown on flights of about eight days to a Soviet space station. Pilots from other nations would eventually also fly. The program was a reaction to American plans to fly Western Europeans on Space Shuttle missions.
I cried out to God for help. I cried out to God to hear me. When I was
distressed, I sought theLord. At night I stretched out my and, but I cannot
be comforted.
I remembered you God and I groaned; I mused and my spirit grew
faint. You kept my eys from closing. I was too troubled to speak. I thought
about the former days the years long ago. I remember my songs in the night.
My heart mused and my spirit inquired.. Will the Lord reflect forever?. Will
He never show his favor again. Has this unfailing love vanished forever. Has
his promise failed for all time. Has God forgotten to be merciful. Has the
anger withheld his compassion. Then I thought, 'To this I will appeal-the
years of the right hand of the Most High. I will remember the deeds of the
Lord. Yes I remember Your deedsof long ago. I will meditate on all Your
works, and consider all Your mighty deeds. Your ways oh God are holy. What
God is so great as our God!'