Sophia is a female name derived from σοφία, the Greek word for "Wisdom". The name was used to represent the personification of wisdom.
Sophia has been a popular name throughout the Western world and in parts of the Islamic world. It is the most popular given name for girls in the US for 2012. Sophie was the fifth most popular name for girls in Australia in 2013.
Sophia Peletier is a fictional character from the comic series The Walking Dead and is portrayed by Madison Lintz in the television series of the same name. She is the daughter of Carol Peletier, who is fiercely protective of her, as is Carl Grimes, with whom she becomes close friends during the zombie outbreak. She becomes a major focal point in both media, despite her limited involvement in many of the central conflicts faced by the other characters.
In the comics, Sophia is a member of the Atlanta refugee camp and becomes close friends with Carl, with whom she spends most her time - eventually becoming his girlfriend. Later, after her mother's suicide, she begins viewing Maggie and Glenn as her parents while remaining close to Carl. Although, because of the overrun world around them and their conflicting personalities, Sophia chooses to break up with Carl, though they still remain close friends and Carl is shown to be extremely protective of her. Sophia also becomes a resident of the Alexandria Safe-Zone and later the Hilltop Colony. She is the comic's longest surviving female character, along with Andrea.
Sophia was the eldest known child of King Coloman of Hungary and his wife, Felicia of Sicily. She was born between 1097 and 1100. Her son Saul was the heir presumptive to her childless brother, Stephen II of Hungary.
Sophia's is one of the three children and the only daughter of Coloman the Learned whose name was recorded by the chronicles. Her mother was Felicia of Sicily, her father's first wife. For her parents' marriage took place in 1097, Sophia could not have been born before this year. According to Kirstó, "it is beyond doubt" that she was named after her paternal grandaunt. Her brothers—Stephen and Ladislaus—were born in 1101.
The only certain fact of her life is the name of her son, Saul. The Illuminated Chronicle narrates that her brother, King Stephen II of Hungary, who was childless, "so ordered the succession to the throne that after his death the son of his sister Sophia, by name Saul, should reign." According to historian Márta Font, at that time—around 1130—Saul was about fifteen years old, implying that his mother must have been born in 1100 at the latest. Neither the name nor the family of her husband are known.
Gorath, released in Japan as Calamity Star Gorath (妖星ゴラス, Yōsei Gorasu), is a Japanese science fiction tokusatsu film produced by Toho in 1962. The story for Gorath was by Jojiro Okami.
The year is 1980, and the film opens with the launch of the JX-1 Hayabusa spaceship into outer space. The ship, originally sent to collect data on Saturn, has its course diverted to investigate the mysterious star Gorath, reported as being 6000 times the size of the Earth. It is feared that the star's path could come dangerously close to Earth. The JX-1 reaches locates Gorath and it's much smaller than earth but with 6000 times the gravity. The JX-1 radio's back any data about the star but gets sucked into the star's gravitational field which drags the ship into Gorath, incinerating it.
Japan and the rest of the world are stunned by the discovery and, after some reluctance, send up the JX-2 Ootori spaceship for a voyage to investigate Gorath. The United Nations band together to discover a solution to the problem, and decide that their only solutions are to either destroy Gorath or move the planet out of the way.