Somiedo (Asturian: Somiedu) is a municipality in the Autonomous Community of the Principality of Asturias, Spain. It is bordered on the north by Belmonte de Miranda, on the east by Teverga, on the west by Tineo and Cangas del Narcea, and on the south by the province of León.
It is the second least densely populated municipality in Asturias.
All of the municipality forms part of Somiedo Natural Park, which has been declared a biosphere reserve by Unesco.
strike down with great vengeance
thrive in arrogance
defiance of all
strike down with hate
light the flame of heaten pride
onwards to hell
spoils of war
burn in the fire
burn the cross of wrath
only hell awaits
I shall forever burn in the fire
only hell awaits total annihilation
light the flame
swing the axe of war
streams of fire from the sky