Sogdianus (/ˌsɔːɡdiˈeɪnəs/ or /ˌsɒɡdiˈeɪnəs/), king of Persia (424–423 BC). He ruled the Achaemenid Empire for a short time, with little recognition in his kingdom known primarily from the writings of Ctesias. He was reportedly an illegitimate son of Artaxerxes I by his concubine Alogyne of Babylon.
The last inscription mentioning Artaxerxes I being alive can be dated to December 24, 424 BC. His death resulted in at least three of his sons proclaiming themselves Kings. The first was Xerxes II, who was reportedly his only legitimate son by Queen Damaspia and was formerly Crown Prince. He was apparently only recognized in Persia. The second was Sogdianus himself, possibly recognized in Elam. The third was Ochus, son of Artaxerxes I by his concubine Cosmartidene of Babylon and satrap of Hyrcania. Ochus was also married to their common half-sister Parysatis, daughter of Artaxerxes I and his concubine Andia of Babylon. The first inscription of Ochus as Darius II can be dated to January 10, 423 BC. He seems to have been recognized by Medes, Babylonia and Egypt.
La escuché, meciéndose por la brisa,
Y su melodía, me atrapa noche y día.
Si me encuentro solo,
O estoy de mal humor
Su dulce ritmo, se abre como una flor.
Traen el mar, y el sol,
Mensaje de unas islas,
Es un rayo
De pasión y fantasía.
Dance socca dance, socca dance,
Dance socca dance, eh! Socca dance.
Y la canto allá por donde voy,
Música y magia
Me inundan de color,
Bailan mis pies, baila mi corazón,
Y un cascabel baila a mi alrededor.
Traen el mar, y el sol,
Mensaje de unas islas,
Es un rayo
De pasión y fantasía.
Dance socca dance, socca dance,
Dance socca dance, eh! Socca dance.
Dance socca dance, socca dance,
Dance socca dance, eh! Socca dance,
Dime ahora si lo sientes dance
Y ahora gira que te gira
Gira sin parar,
Y quédate en el ritmo, de socca dance
Siente el aire, siente el mar
Y déjate llevar por el compás
Dance socca dance, socca dance
A ver a gozar eso!
ance socca dance, socca dance,