Sobek (also called Sebek, Sochet, Sobk, and Sobki), in Greek, Suchos (Σοῦχος) and from Latin Suchus, was an ancient Egyptian deity with a complex and fluid nature. He is associated with the Nile crocodile and is either represented in its form or as a human with a crocodile head. Sobek was also associated with pharaonic power, fertility, and military prowess, but served additionally as a protective deity with apotropaic qualities, invoked particularly for protection against the dangers presented by the Nile river.
Sobek enjoyed a longstanding presence in the ancient Egyptian pantheon, from the Old Kingdom (c. 2686–2181 BCE) through the Roman period (c. 30 BCE – 350 CE). He is first known from several different Pyramid Texts of the Old Kingdom, particularly from spell PT 317. The spell, which praises the pharaoh as living incarnation of the crocodile god, reads:
The origin of his name, Sbk in ancient Egyptian, is debated among scholars, but many believe that it is derived from a causative of the verb "to impregnate".
Sobek is a fictional supervillain published by DC Comics. He first appears in 52 #26 (2006), and was created by Geoff Johns, Greg Rucka, Grant Morrison, Mark Waid, Keith Giffen and Pat Olliffe.
The Golden Age version of the character was one of several alien Crocodile Men from the planetoid Punkus who joined the Monster Society of Evil under Mister Mind. Crocodile Men played a large part in the group. In another Marvel Family story, it featured the Hiss-Men, who are creatures from a million years ago that resemble the Crocodile-Men. Possibly they are Crocodile Men that landed on Earth, or Hiss-Men that left the planet as the rest of their race were killed by humans and the Marvel Family.
The current Sobek was first believed to be a bioengineered humanoid crocodile, created in Doctor Sivana's lab. Sobek is found in Dr. Sivana's residence, claiming to be a crocodile Sivana got from the Nile and experimented on before he escaped from his cage in Sivana's lab, and befriended by Osiris, as the Black Marvels were at a charity dinner hosted by Mrs Sivana, who wanted her husband found. He is named Sobek after the Egyptian god, claiming he doesn't have a name. From then on, Sobek puts on a facade of cowardice and timidness (essentially becoming the Black Marvel Family analogue of Tawky Tawny) to fool everyone around him. When Osiris suffers despondancy after accidentally killing Persuader and thinks his powers are evil and are causing the disasters in Khandaq, Sobek convinces him to give up his powers. Once Osiris becomes human, Sobek quickly devours him, claiming 'I'm not so hungry anymore'.
Sobek may refer to:
She was a beauty queen with the future in her hand
Full of dreams and a ticket to wonderland
Young and innocent ready for action
Trying anything for some satisfaction
But she fell deeper and deeper without success
Met the wrong guys and got stuck in a mess
So now she works at a sleazy place
In a red light quadrant of space
Astro girl
Why don't you leave this world
I've been watching her for awhile
Those tender eyes and her beautiful smile
The way she serves the drinks and acts polite
And then disappears when the price is right
I can see that there is something wrong
It's very obvious that she doesn't belong
I wish there was something I could to
To help her start something new
Astro girl