
Galanthus (snowdrop; Greek gála "milk", ánthos "flower") is a small genus of about 20 species of bulbous perennial herbaceous plants in the family Amaryllidaceae. Most flower in winter, before the vernal equinox (20 or 21 March in the Northern Hemisphere), but certain species flower in early spring and late autumn.

Snowdrops are sometimes confused with the two related genera within Galantheae, snowflakes Leucojum and Acis.


All species of Galanthus are perennial, herbaceous plants which grow from bulbs. Each bulb generally produces just two or three linear leaves and an erect, leafless scape (flowering stalk), which bears at the top a pair of bract-like spathe valves joined by a papery membrane. From between them emerges a solitary, pendulous, bell-shaped white flower, held on a slender pedicel. The flower has no petals: it consists of six tepals, the outer three being larger and more convex than the inner series. The six anthers open by pores or short slits. The ovary is three-celled, ripening into a three-celled capsule. Each whitish seed has a small, fleshy tail (elaiosome) containing substances attractive to ants which distribute the seeds. The leaves die back a few weeks after the flowers have faded.

Snowdrop (disambiguation)

The snowdrop is a small genus of about 20 species in the family Amaryllidaceae that are among the first bulbs to bloom in spring.

Snowdrop may also refer to:

As a verb

  • Snowdropping has several slang meanings (see Wiktionary: snowdrop)
  • A vessel

  • MV Snowdrop, a Mersey Ferry
  • USS Snowdrop (1863), a Union Navy ship
  • HMS Snowdrop, the name of two ships of the Royal Navy
  • Other uses

  • Snowdrop Science Academy is a private school in Monroeville, PA.
  • A British nickname for members of the United States Army Military Police corps during the Second World War (referring to their white cap or helmet, white gaiters, white gloves etc.)
  • The Snowdrop Campaign and Snowdrop Petition, calls for a ban on handguns in Scotland, set up in response to the Dunblane Massacre
  • Books

  • Snowdrops (novel), Booker-nominated debut novel by AD Miller
  • The Snow Drop (magazine) Eliza Lanesford Cushing a monthly girls' magazine 1847
  • Snow Drop (manhwa)
  • Music

  • "Podsnezhnik" (Snowdrop), Op. 47 No. 9, Russian art song by Grechaninov
  • Podcasts:



    by: Lycia

    I am seeing christmas
    In the garden with venus
    In my eyes they kiss
    Oh, to be involved in this
    All the aching signs we miss
    To live in purple scarlet bliss
    And swim with jeweled golden fish

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