A snarl is a sound, often a growl or vicious utterance, often accompanied by a facial expression, where the upper lip is raised, and the nostrils widen, generally indicating hate, anger or pain. In addition to humans, other mammals including monkeys, rabbits and dogs snarl, often to warn others of their potential bite. In humans, snarling uses the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle. The threatening vocalizations of snarling are often accompanied by or used synonymously with threatening facial expressions.
The word "snarl" is also used as an onomatopoeia for the threatening noise to which it refers, as in the 'snarl' of a chainsaw. This usage may derive from the common expression describing a dog as "growling and snarling". One literary use of "snarl" to mean a noise is in The Lord of the Rings in the encounter with the barrow-wight: "In the dark there was a snarling noise".
Action Masters are a sub-line of the Transformers toy franchise, first released in 1990, with a wave of new releases released in Europe in 1991. It featured Transformers action figures who were unable to transform, but came with transforming partners, weapons or exo-suits. Some of the larger sets came with transforming vehicles or bases. This was the last sub-line release as part of the original Transformers toyline before the launch of Generation 2.
Action Masters were non-transformable 33⁄4 inch action figures designed to represent classic and new Transformers characters. Those based on existing characters, were designed to best match their appearance in the popular cartoon series, with the newer characters following the same basis design. Despite the lack of an ability to transform, they had more articulation than many of the Transformers toylines that preceded it, with moveable heads, arms, knees and legs. To complement the figures, each came with a transformable weapon, or in the case of the larger sets, a transformable vehicle.
A snarl is a type of facial expression.
Snarl may also refer to:
What can I do - I know they've gotten to you When you say that your whites
have an aerial blue
What's happened to you - since I last say you I thought I knew your name - but it's not you but it's not you
You're talking in a balloon
in this tidy room
sounding like a commercial
for a serial
I wish you could feel the way that I feel I wish you could feel but your so unreal your so unreal
What can I say - what can I say
all the traits you had have all gone away get up and wash at the right time of day and greet the world with the right thing to say
You're so ideal - you're never down at heel you're so ideal - but you're so unreal