A snaplock is a type of lock for firing a gun or is a gun fired by such a lock.
A snaplock ignites the (usually muzzleloading) weapon's propellant by means of sparks produced when a spring-powered cock strikes a flint down on to a piece of hardened steel. The snaplock is therefore similar to the snaphaunce (sometimes classed as an advanced type of snaplock) and the later flintlock (see below).
In all snaplocks, the flint is held in a clamp at the end of a bent lever called the cock. When the gun is "cocked", the cock is held back, against the pressure of a spring, by a catch which is part of the trigger mechanism. When the trigger is pulled, the catch is released and the spring moves the cock rapidly forwards. The flint strikes a curved plate of hardened steel, called the "steel". The flint strikes from the steel a shower of white hot steel shavings (sparks) which fall towards the priming powder held in the flash pan. The flash from the pan's ignited primer travels (unless there is only a "flash in the pan") through the touch hole into the firing chamber at the rear of the barrel, and ignites the main charge of gunpowder.
My body control (7x)
In control, I can feel it
And it's in control, I can feel it
And it's in control, I can feel it
And it's in control, I can feel...
First time, first love
Oh what feeling is this
Electricity flows
With the very first kiss
Like a break in the clouds
And the first ray of sun
I can feel it inside
Something new has begun
And it's taking control
Of my body and mind
It began when I heard I love you
For the very first time
For the very first time
For the very first time
For the very first time
In control, in control
My body control
My body control
I can feel it
And it's in control
My body control
My body control
I can feel...
This life, this love
All the sweetness I feel
So mysterious yet
So incredibly real
It's an uncharted sea
It's an unopened door
But you gotta reach out
And you gotta explore
Even though you're not sure
Till the moment arrives
There he is and you know you're in love
For the very first time (6x)
For the very first time