Bardiya (Old Persian: 𐎲𐎼𐎮𐎡𐎹[1] Bardiya;[2], Ancient Greek: Σμέρδις, Greek: Smerdis) (possibly died 522 BCE) was a son of Cyrus the Great and the younger brother of Cambyses II, both Persian kings. There are sharply divided views on his life. He may have ruled the Achaemenid Empire for a few months in 522 BCE, or he may have been impersonated by a magus called Gaumata.[3] (Old Persian: 𐎥𐎢𐎶𐎠𐎫[4] Gaumāta[2])


Name and sources [link]

The prince's name is listed variously in the historical sources. His Persian name is Bardiya. He is called Tonyoxarces (Sphendadates) by Ctesias,[5] he is called Tanooxares by Xenophon, who takes the name from Ctesias,[6] and he is called Mardos by Justin [7] and Aeschylus.[8] In the prevalent Greek form of his name, Smerdis, the Persian name has been assimilated to the Greek (Asiatic) name Smerdis or Smerdies, a name which also occurs in the poems of Alcaeus and Anacreon.

In English-language histories he has traditionally been called Smerdis, but recent histories tend to call him Bardiya.[9][10]

Traditional view [link]

The traditional view based on the majority of ancient sources, e.g., Darius the Great's Behistun inscription, as well as Herodotus, Justin, and Ctesias, although there are minor differences between them.

Bardiya was the younger son of Cyrus the Great and a full or half-brother of Cambyses II. According to Ctesias, on his deathbed Cyrus appointed Bardiya as satrap (governor) of some of the far-eastern provinces.[11] According to Darius the Great, Cambyses II, after becoming king of Persia but before setting out for Egypt, killed Bardiya and kept this secret. However according to Herodotus who gives two detailed stories, Bardiya went to Egypt with Cambyses and was there for some time but later Cambyses sent him back to Susa out of envy, because "Bardiya alone could draw the bow brought from the Ethiopian king." Herodotus then states that "Cambyses had a dream in which he saw his brother sitting on the royal throne. As a result of this dream Cambyses sent his trusted counselor Prexaspes from Egypt to Susa with the order to kill Smerdis" (i.e. Bardiya).[12]

Bardiya's death was not known to the people, and so in the spring of 522 BCE a usurper pretended to be him and proclaimed himself king on a mountain near the Persian town of Paishiyauvada. Darius claimed that the real name of the usurper was Gaumata, a Magian priest from Media; this name has been preserved by Justin i. 9 (from Charon of Lampsacus?) but given to his brother Cambyses (called Patizeithes by Herodotus) who is said to have been the real promoter of the intrigue. According to Herodotus, the name of the Magian usurper was Oropastes, but according to Ctesias it was Sphendadates.

The despotic rule of Cambyses, coupled with his long absence in Egypt, contributed to the fact that "the whole people, Persians, Medes and all the other nations," acknowledged the usurper, especially as he granted a remission of taxes for three years.[13]

Cambyses began to march against him, but died in the spring of 522 BCE in disputed circumstances. Before his death he confessed to the murder of his brother, and publicly explained the whole fraud, but this was not generally believed. Nobody had the courage to oppose the new king, who ruled for seven months over the whole empire. The new king transferred the seat of government to Media.

A number of Persian nobles discovered that their new ruler was an impostor, and a group of seven nobles formed a plot to kill him. They surprised him at a castle in Nisa, home of the Nisean horses, and stabbed him to death in September 522 BCE. One of the seven, Darius, was proclaimed as ruler shortly after.

Revisionist view [link]

Some modern historians dispute the traditional story. They believe that the person who ruled for a few months was the real son of Cyrus, and that the story of his impersonation by a magus was an invention of Darius to justify his seizure of the throne.[14][15][16] According to M. Dandamaev, this view "must remain hypothetical".[12] There are some implausibilities in the "official" story. For example, the impostor resembled the real Bardiya so closely that even his harem of wives did not spot the difference.[17] Darius often accused rebels and opponents of being impostors (such as Nebuchadnezzar III), and it could be straining credulity to say that they all were.[10][15][18]

Aftermath [link]

In the next year, another person claiming to be Bardiya, named Vahyazdāta (Old Persian: 𐎺𐏃𐎹𐏀𐎭𐎠𐎫[19]) rose against Darius in eastern Persia and met with great success. But he was finally defeated, taken prisoner and executed [20] Perhaps he is identical with the King Maraphis "the Maraphian," name of a Persian tribe, who occurs as successor in the list of Persian kings given by Aeschylus.[21]

The real Bardiya had only one daughter, called Parmys, who eventually married Darius the Great.

Some contracts dating from his reign have been found in Babylonia, where his name is spelt Barziya or Bardiya.[22] Darius says that Bardiya destroyed some temples, which Darius later restored. Bardiya also took away the herds and houses of the people, which Darius corrected once he gained the throne.[23]

The death of the false Bardiya was annually celebrated in Persia by a feast called “the killing of the magian," (Magiophani) at which no magian was allowed to show himself.[24][25]

Bardiya in fiction [link]

This episode is dealt with by Gore Vidal in his novel Creation. He takes the view that the person who ruled for a few months was the real Bardiya.

Bardiya, called Gaumata in this case, plays a minor role in the video game Age of Empires Online. One of the first quests for players of the Persian Civilization is to kill him on Darius' orders (though the event is portrayed as a conventional battle rather than an assassination). His supporters are fought in several other quests.

References [link]

  1. ^ Akbarzadeh, D.; A. Yahyanezhad (2006) (in Persian). The Behistun Inscriptions (Old Persian Texts). Khaneye-Farhikhtagan-e Honarhaye Sonati. pp. 59. ISBN 964-8499-05-5. 
  2. ^ a b Kent, Ronald Grubb (1384 AP) (in Persian). Old Persian: Grammar, Text, Glossary. translated into Persian by S. Oryan. pp. 395. ISBN 964-421-045-X. 
  3. ^ This article does not take sides on this dispute, but further investigation of recent scholarship in both Iran and the West would be useful.
  4. ^ Akbarzadeh, D.; A. Yahyanezhad (2006) (in Persian). The Behistun Inscriptions (Old Persian Texts). Khaneye-Farhikhtagan-e Honarhaye Sonati. pp. 60. ISBN 964-8499-05-5. 
  5. ^ Ctesias Pers. 8
  6. ^ Xenophon Cyrop. Vin. 7.ii
  7. ^ Aeschylus Pers. 774
  8. ^ Justin i.9, Mergis
  9. ^ Leick, Gewdolyn Who's Who in the Ancient Near East
  10. ^ a b Van De Mieroop, Marc A History of the Ancient Near East
  11. ^ Ctesias, Persica: Book 11, Fragment 9, taken from Photius' excerpt cf. Xenophon Cyrop. vin. 7, if
  12. ^ a b Dandamaev, M. (2001). "Bardia". Encyclopaedia Iranica. 3. Ney York. 
  13. ^ Herodotus iii.68
  14. ^ Olmstead, A.T. History of the Persian Empire
  15. ^ a b Holland, Tom Persian Fire
  16. ^ Axworthy, Michael Iran: Empire of the Mind
  17. ^ Bourke, Dr. Stephen (chief consultant) "The Middle East: Cradle of Civilisation Revealed" p. 225, ISBN 978-0-500-25147-8
  18. ^ Behistun Inscription 4.1 (52)
  19. ^ Akbarzadeh, D.; A. Yahyanezhad (2006) (in Persian). The Behistun Inscriptions (Old Persian Texts). Khaneye-Farhikhtagan-e Honarhaye Sonati. pp. 115. ISBN 964-8499-05-5. 
  20. ^ Behistun Inscription ~ 40 if.
  21. ^ Aeschylus Pers. 778
  22. ^ For the chronology, see Parker & Dubberstein, Babylonian Chronology.
  23. ^ Behistun Inscription i.14
  24. ^ Herodotus ~ 79
  25. ^ Ctesias Pers. 15
Born:  ?? Died: 522 BCE
Preceded by
Cambyses II
King (Shah) of Persia
522 BC
Succeeded by
Darius I of Persia
Pharaoh of Egypt
522 BCE




by: Scarface

[ VERSE 1: Scarface ]
It's been a long time comin
But now I'm back up in this bitch to hit these niggas with this gangsta shit
I keep the strong rhymes runnin
My shit don't switch, I'm 10 years in, and ain't changed one bit
It's all about the real, nigga
I keeps it real, nigga
And won't sell out for Girbaud with Tommy Hilfiger
Fucker, I figure niggas wanna see
The side of society they don't see on TV
So when I bring the shit, I bring the shit like I seen it
And when I scream the shit, I sing the shit like I mean it
No secret, these muthafuckas figure I'm a threat
Cause I ain't fallin short to the traps the demon set
Now sweat, cause now I got my head in your books
And when I think 'cracker', my definition read 'crook'
Now look, we're livin under laws that they set
Back then we were treated like dogs and wasn't shit
And slowly but surely the shit changed
From they fault, but if you black, then you get blamed
A damn shame, that means this muthafucka's one-sided
And blacks, we get lost in the sauce, because we unguided
These muthafuckas had a plan from the start
Get what they can get and rip they assholes apart
They smart
[ CHORUS: Devin / (Tony 'Scarface' Montana) ]
They smart, man
(Those guys...)
You niggas better watch yo ass
(..they're the bad guys)
Them bastards they smart, man
(Those guys...)
It's up to us for how long we gon' last
(..they're the bad guys)(2x)
[ VERSE 2: Scarface ]
I declare an all-out attack
Let's take our minds behind enemy lines, so we can see how the demon acts
And how he set us up for failure in the first place
And why the fuck did we just settle for a birthday
You see, I'm hip to the games that you run
Like the games you run unfair, we can get no fair one
Cause we was dealt the bad hand from the jump
And we can't deal, so we jack and get drunk
And might end up locked down or six feet
But in these streets a muthafucka gots to eat
You can't sleep, cause if you're caught sleep, you gots to pay
And just like everyone left you got your day
And these days were meant for all to keep tryin
But we can't relate, so we fall and keep dyin
Open your muthafuckin eyes who your enemy
The muthafuckas dyin or the muthafuckas killin you?
[ VERSE 3: Scarface ]
You put your crack on my table
I turn my axe on my neighbor
And my back to my Savior
You had me thinkin you were almighty
But to the Almighty you're just a man that's really all tiny
The Maker will open up our minds to see
That heaven ain't a place here on Earth, you gots to leave
And once we leave, we stand between eternal peace and eternal pain
And you the beast shall meet eternal flame
So let it rain, wash away up all my bad things
And put some laughter in our hearts again
Now black men, stand up, let's come together as a whole race
And don't be fed up by the old days
They try to do us like the Indians, killin us like wild beast
And show more love for the Chinese
And kept us trapped up in a small room
And made decisions on our life we accepted that left us all doomed
They sabotaged and they camouflaged
But if these niggas came to crank up some shit, then I be down to ride
These muthafuckas had a plan from the start
The only way to beat em is to think, cause they smart
