Sludge incineration (German: Klärschlammverbrennung, Chinese: 污泥焚烧发电) is a sewage sludge treatment process using incineration. It generates thermal energy from sewage sludge produced in sewage treatment plants. The process is in operation in Germany where Klärschlammverbrennung GmbH in Hamburg incinerates 1.3m tonnes of sludge annually. The process has also been trialed in China, where it has been qualified as an environmental investment project. However the energy balance of the process is not high, as sludge needs drying before incinerating.
Can recycling waste be the key to a sustainable future? Scientists have developed a solar-powered method to turn sewage sludge into green hydrogen and animal feed, tackling both waste and sustainability challenges.
It’s the only facility in the state with a sludge incinerator, and in 2018 alone, it burned of it ...As of May 2023, there were 86 sewage sludge incineration facilities operating across the country, with ...