"Skokiaan" is a popular tune originally written by Rhodesian (Zimbabwean) musician August Musarurwa (d.1968, usually identified as August Msarurgwa on record labels) in the tsaba-tsaba big-band style that succeeded marabi. Skokiaan (Chikokiyana in Shona) refers to an illegal self-made alcoholic beverage typically brewed over one day that may contain ingredients such as maize meal, water and yeast, to speed up the fermentation process. The tune has also been recorded as "Sikokiyana," "Skokiana," and "Skokian."
Within a year of its 1954 release in South Africa, at least 19 cover versions of "Skokiaan" appeared. The Rhodesian version reached No 17 in the United States, while a cover version by Ralph Marterie climbed to No 3. All versions combined propelled the tune to No 2 on the Cash Box charts that year. Its popularity extended outside of music, with several urban areas in the United States taking its name. Artists who produced their own interpretations include Louis Armstrong, Bill Haley, Herb Alpert, Brave Combo, Hugh Masekela and Kermit Ruffins. The Wiggles also covered this song on their Furry Tales album. The music itself illustrates the mutual influences between Africa and the wider world.
Skokiaan,[repeated eight times in all]
Oh- far away in Africa [ Please note,all ohs are drawn out ]
Happy happy Africa
They singa bingo bango bingo
They have a ball and really go
Skokiaan [repeated three times]
Oh- take a trip to Africa
Any ship to Africa
Come on along and learn the lingo
Beside a jungle bungalow
Skokiaan[repeated three times]
Hot drums are drumming
-Or- hot strings are strumming, and warm lips are blissful
They're kissful of Skokiaan
Oh- when you go to Africa
Happy happy Africa
You linga longa like a King-o
Right in a jungle bungalow
Skoki skoki skoki skokiaan
Okee dokee anybody can
Skoki skoki man oh man oh man
You sing a bingo bango bingo
In hokey pokey skokiaan
Oh- ho-far away in Africa
Happy happy Africa
They singa bingo bango bingo
They have a ball and really go
Oh- ho-take a trip to Africa, any ship to Africa
Come on along and learn the lingo,beside a jungle bungalow
Hot drums are drumming,or hot strings are strumming
And warm lips are blissful,they're kissful- of skokiaan
Oh-if you go to Africa,happy happy Africa
You linga longa like a king-o
Right in a jungle bungalow
Sko-kiaan, sko-kiaan, sko-kiaan, sko-kiaan,
Oh-right in a jungle bungalow