Six Degrees
Six degrees of seperation
There's a girl at Kings Cross station
Wow, how did ya know?
Ill gotten gains for all my sins
Never thought I'd be where I am now
How did you know this time
Pack your bags and leave your troubles
Walk away from all your worries
Now, it's time to move on
Oh what a tangled web
You've weaved yourself into a corner now
Where will you go
All the bitter sweet and twisted lies
Finally caught you out
Where will you go, this time
Pack your bags and leave your troubles
Walk away from all your worries
Now, it's time to move on
Pack your bags and leave your troubles
Walk away from all your worries
Now, it's time to move on
I don't like anything about ya
Coz I found out just in time
That kinda evil look about ya
Reminds me of wasted life
Just go ya own way right now
Pack ya bags and leave your troubles
Walk away from all your worries
Now, it's time to move on
Pack your bags and leave your troubles
Walk away from all your worries
Now, it's time to move on
Pack your bags and leave your troubles
Walk away from all your worries
Now, it's time to move on
Time to move on
Time to move on