Sindarin is a fictional language devised by J. R. R. Tolkien for use in his secondary world known as Arda. Sindarin is one of the many languages spoken by the immortal Elves, called the Eledhrim [ˈɛlɛðrim] or Edhellim [ɛˈðɛllim] in Sindarin. The word Sindarin is itself a Quenya form. The only known Sindarin word for this language is Eglathrin, a word probably only used in the First Age (see Eglath).
Called in English "Grey-elvish" or "Grey-elven", it was the language of the Sindarin Elves of Beleriand. These were Elves of the Third Clan who remained behind in Beleriand after the Great Journey. Their language became estranged from that of their kin who sailed over sea. Sindarin derives from an earlier language called Common Telerin, which evolved from Common Eldarin, the tongue of the Eldar before their divisions, e.g., those Elves who decided to follow the Vala Oromë and undertook the Great March to Valinor. Even before that the Eldar Elves spoke the original speech of all Elves, or Primitive Quendian.
Choronzon with us abide!
It´s the night of the cross
All come to the congregation
Come to celebrate the sign of our lord choronzon
Come to receive the perfection of light
Tonight out spirits burn under the cross of redemption
Follow the path to the foot of the cross
Follow the path reversing and blessing
Follow the path concealed in revelation
Follow the path the one way is threefold
Erect ye the shape of infinite fire
Raise aloft the serpent within
Return and find ouranos sulphur
Erect the cross of unconscious will
We bear the mark that scatters illusions
We bear the mark that dissolves the gods
Be it multiplied and worshipped