Sincé is a town and municipality located in the Sucre Department, northern Colombia.
San Luis de Sincé, is a town and municipality located in the Sucre Department, to 30 km to the Southeastern of Sincelejo, northern Colombia. It has an average Temperature of 26,5°C and their main economic activities are agriculture, the stockbreeding and the commerce. It was founded the 10 of November of 1775 by Antonio of Torre and Miranda. At the moment it accounts with a Hospital called Hospital Local Nuestra Señora del Socorro and a Fototeca Municipal.
The main celebrations of the municipality are the supervisory celebrations in honor to the Virgen del Socorro that are celebrated in September within the framework of the religious celebrations are also celebrated the Fiestas en Corralejas these are those of but long history in all the country. Officially the celebrations initiate the 20 of Julio, Dia de la Independencia Nagtional and it extends until beyond the 20 of September, are the celebrations of greater duration of Colombia.
In mathematics, physics and engineering, the cardinal sine function or sinc function, denoted by sinc(x), has two slightly different definitions.
In mathematics, the historical unnormalized sinc function is defined for x ≠ 0 by
In digital signal processing and information theory, the normalized sinc function is commonly defined for x ≠ 0 by
In either case, the value at x = 0 is defined to be the limiting value sinc(0) = 1.
The normalization causes the definite integral of the function over the real numbers to equal 1 (whereas the same integral of the unnormalized sinc function has a value of π). As a further useful property, all of the zeros of the normalized sinc function are integer values of x.
The normalized sinc function is the Fourier transform of the rectangular function with no scaling. This function is fundamental in the concept of reconstructing the original continuous bandlimited signal from uniformly spaced samples of that signal.
The only difference between the two definitions is in the scaling of the independent variable (the x-axis) by a factor of π. In both cases, the value of the function at the removable singularity at zero is understood to be the limit value 1. The sinc function is then analytic everywhere and hence an entire function.
Sisters in Crime is an organization that has 3,600 members in 48 chapters world-wide, offering networking, advice and support to mystery authors. Members are authors, readers, publishers, agents, booksellers and librarians bound by their affection for the mystery genre and their support of women who write mysteries.
Events leading up to the formation of Sisters in Crime included a conference at Hunter College on Women in the Mystery Genre in 1986, at which Sara Paretsky spoke on growing use of graphic sadism against women in mysteries; a letter by Phyllis Whitney to the Mystery Writers of America, pointing out that women weren't being nominated for awards; an initial meeting of interested women at the October 1986 Bouchercon World Mystery Convention in Baltimore convened by Sara Paretsky; and a meeting at Sandra Scoppettone's loft during the annual Edgars week, at which the organization was formed.
The Sisters in Crime mission statement:
This is a time for seeing and singing
This is a time for breathing You in
And breathing out Your praise
Our hearts repsond to Your revelation
All you are showing, all we have seen
Commands a life of praise
No one can sing of things they have not seen
God, open our eyes towards a greater glimpse
The glory of You, the glory of You
God, open our eyes towards a greater glimpse
Worship starts with seeing You
Worship starts with seeing You
Our hearts respond to Your revelation
Worship starts with seeing You
Worship starts with seeing You