Simona Ventura (born on 1 April 1965 in Bentivoglio) is an Italian television host.
Ventura started in TV on "Domani Sposi" with Giancarlo Magalli on Rai Uno. Her love for sport took her into sports reporting: for the Italian Telemontecarlo she was the correspondent during the 1990 World Cup, the European Championship in 1992 and during the Olympic Games in Barcelona.
At RAI, Ventura appeared with Pippo Baudo on the Sunday afternoon programme "Domenica In" (1991) and then, in 1992, the sports programme "Domenica Sportiva". She also been on "Pavarotti International".
Ventura's career continued on Mediaset channels hosting variety shows like "Mai dire gol", "Cuori e Denari, "Boom", "Scherzi a parte" (a programme very similar to Punk'd), "Festivalbar", "Le Iene", "Matricole", Gli indelebili '99, "Cari amici miei", "Zelig - Noi facciamo cabaret", and "Piccole Canaglie". In all, she spent eight years at Mediaset.
In 1996 Simona hosted the newcomers' section of the Sanremo Music Festival for RAI.