Famous quotes by Simon Pegg:
"I was the naughty kid that the teachers liked. I bullied a kid in the 1st year when I was in the 2nd, who then hit puberty like a plane crash and grew into a gorilla who bullied me when he was in the 4th year and I was in the 5th. That's Karma."
"Doctor Who was a big part of my childhood so it was a great honour to be in it."
"I think at its best the American sense of humor is the same as the British sense of humor at its best, which is to be wry and ironic and self deprecating."
"Every person should have their escape route planned. I think everyone has an apocalypse fantasy, what would I do in the event of the end of the world, and we just basically - me and Nick - said what would we do, where would we head?"
"In England, we don't have any guns whatsoever."
"I think that the joke and the ghost story both have a similar set up in that you kind of set something up and pay it off with a laugh or a scare."
"The main jokes in this film are about big things, love and life and zombies - we all get that."
"There's this thing of you can live in a city and be completely alone, not notice anything going on around you."
"We work with every one of them to see if their character wouldn't say a certain thing or if something is worded awkwardly - we work with them to rectify that."
"I just love listening to the laughter."
"There is a universality to comedy."
"I don't know about doing a sequel. I think you can retroactively damage a product by adding to it."
"I loved playing Shaun, he's not that different from me."
"You always worry about films when you hear about them making decisions after announcements are made."
"Both me and Edgar are firm believers in never underestimating or talking down to an audience, and giving an audience something to do, to give them something which is entirely up to them to enter into the film and find these hidden things and whatever."
"Your instinct, rather than precision stabbing, is more about just random bludgeoning."
"Chris Martin's a good friend of mine. I'm actually Apple's godfather. He's an old friend and we've been mates for quite a few years now."
"That's what we wanted to get across in that moment, particularly when Shaun goes to the shop when he's all hung over. He doesn't notice any of the zombies around him just because he never had before, so why should he at that point?"
"American audiences tend to be more expressive than British ones."