Johann(es) Simon Mayr (also spelled Majer, Mayer, Maier), also known in Italian as Giovanni Simone Mayr or Simone Mayr (14 June 1763 – 2 December 1845) was a German composer.
He was born in Mendorf near Altmannstein, Landkreis Eichstätt, Bavaria, and studied theology at the University of Ingolstadt, continuing his studies in Italy from 1787. He was closely associated with the Illuminati of Adam Weishaupt while a student in Ingolstadt, and the ideals of the French Enlightenment were a strong influence on his philosophy as a musician as corroborated by his famed Zibaldone or "Notebooks" compiled toward the end of his career.
Shortly thereafter, he took music lessons with Carlo Lenzi, and later with Ferdinando Bertoni. He moved to Bergamo in 1802 and was appointed maestro di cappella at the Cathedral of Bergamo, succeeding his old teacher Lenzi. He held the post until his death, and became a central figure in the city's musical life, organizing concerts and introducing Ludwig van Beethoven's music there. He was music teacher to Gaetano Donizetti. By the end of his life, he was blind. He died in Bergamo and is buried in the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore there, just in front of the tomb of his famous pupil.
Si mon amour était comme un petit ruisseau
On aurait bien envie d'aller se mettre à l'eau
De patauger au gré de cette onde joyeuse
Se disant: “qu'il est doux, mais qu'il est doux d'être amoureux!”
Oui mais mon amour est un orage
Qui fait chavirer en moi tout ce bel équipage
Oui mais mon amour est un naufrage
Car dans mon âme, souffle le vent du large, le vent du large
Si mon amour était comme un petit oiseau bleu
Il volerait de bonheur en petit bonheur
Ne se lassant pas de gazouiller à toute heure
“Mais mon Dieu, qu'il est doux, mais qu'il est doux d'être amoureux!”
Oui mais mon amour, est une buse
Un grand rapace qui plane au dessus de ses muses
Oui mais mon amour, est un carnage
Car dans mon âme, souffle le vent du large, le vent du large
Si mon amour était comme un petit nuage
Tout doux et tout moelleux, sage comme une image
Deux anges passant par là, étonnés et curieux
Se diraient:” Mais mon Dieu, quel ennui d'être amoureux!”
Oui mais mon amour est infernal
Là où l'on cherche le bien, on y trouve le mal
Oui mais mon amour est infernal
Car dans mon âme, souffle le vent du large, le vent du large.