A silt out is a situation when underwater visibility is rapidly reduced to functional zero by disturbing fine particulate deposits on the bottom or other solid surfaces. This can happen in scuba and surface supplied diving, or in ROV and submersible operations, and is a more serious hazard for scuba diving in penetration situations where the route to the surface may be obscured.
The most common cause in scuba diving is when a divers' fins are used too forcefully or in the wrong direction; disturbing silt, particularly in caves, wrecks or in still fresh water environments. Specific non-silting underwater propulsion techniques are taught as standard on cave diving and technical-level wreck diving penetration courses; such as the Frog Kick, Modified Flutter Kick, Helicopter Turn, Pull-and-Glide, Finger Walking and the Back / Reverse Kick.
Another common cause when wreck diving is from exhaled bubbles from scuba gear disturbing overhead surfaces and making loose rust particles sink down from above. The inside of wrecks or caves are often covered in a fine sediment which might get stirred up accidentally by the diver's motions, causing a silt out.
Silt is granular material of a size somewhere between sand and clay, whose mineral origin is quartz and feldspar. Silt may occur as a soil or as sediment mixed in suspension with water (also known as a suspended load) in a body of water such as a river. It may also exist as soil deposited at the bottom of a water body. Silt has a moderate specific area with a typically non-sticky, plastic feel. Silt usually has a floury feel when dry, and a slippery feel when wet. Silt can be visually observed with a hand lens.
Silt is created by a variety of physical processes capable of splitting the generally sand-sized quartz crystals of primary rocks by exploiting deficiencies in their lattice. These involve chemical weathering of rock and regolith, and a number of physical weathering processes such as frost shattering and haloclasty. The main process is abrasion through transport, including fluvial comminution, aeolian attrition and glacial grinding. It is in semi-arid environments that substantial quantities of silt are produced. Silt is sometimes known as "rock flour" or "stone dust", especially when produced by glacial action. Mineralogically, silt is composed mainly of quartz and feldspar. Sedimentary rock composed mainly of silt is known as siltstone.
Silt is the debut album by Mistle Thrush, a Boston, Massachusetts-based band. It was released in 1995 on CD by Bedazzled (catalog #BDZ26). The previous year, the band released a five-song EP titled Agus Amàrach. The band didn't release another full-length album until 1997's Super Refraction. Silt saw original guitarist Brad Rigney (departed to Big Monster Fish Hook) replaced by former teenage hardcore semi-star, Matthew Kattman (ex-Funny Wagon/Kingpin).
All songs written by Mistle Thrush, except where noted
Silt is a type of soil or earth material.
Silt may also refer to:
Man I consider my life nuthin'
if I could just finish the race
and complete the job the
lord jesus gave me
I live to tell the world his message
Romans 1:16 "I'm not Ashamed"
I Ain't Ashamed
We Souled Out
Seeking God's face till we fold out
you want it, we got it
we ain't tryin' to hold out
break me, shake me, mold me
I would rather die like Christ
that live unholy
1 - 1 - 6 a band of misfits
who get sick at the
state of the world
so we hit strips and spit
Christ Jesus, who scooped us out of the
and cleaned us
we were slave to sinful ways but Christ
freed us
believe us
because of the bible that supercedes us
not to the intellectual thesis
they say we believe in a fools faith
cause kids can grasp it
and salvation is granted, to those who
ask it
but even if you don't know systematic
or eschatology
you know Jesus is who you wanna to seek
we ought to be
sowing seeds and seeping truth
diciplin' groups of young soldiers
and reeping fruit
aww yeah
this a part of our lifestyle
might sound good on wax
but we livin' it right now
I wish you would catch me on tapes and
But never see me in the streets in 3-D
B, Please
We ain't come here to appease
we came to spit these spiritual
why killers squese triggers
and hammers clap
I'm a shove on my bullet truth vest
and hammer back like that
We Souled Out
Seeking God's face till we fold out
you want it, we got it
we ain't tryin' to hold out
break me, shake me, mold me
I would rather die like Christ
that live unholy
We Souled Out
Seeking God's face till we fold out
you want it, we got it
we ain't tryin' to hold out
break me, shake me, mold me
I would rather die like Christ
that live unholy
(Verse 2)
Man I do this for the, Way, the truth
the life, Jesus Christ
until my soul take flight
the worlds the same
everyone want to cop a chain, cop a
dame , cop 22's on the range
want to cop big fortune and fame
and claiming that they the reason that
the cops get trained
stop the game
I came here to drop a name
The same one that blocked the pain
How many thugs you know hard enough to
stop the flames
its like
standing on the tracks tyrin to
block a train
you got the game
messed up
stop and change
mind trapped all wrapped up in locks a
the same God you pray to before you
sleep at night
the same God you direspect when you
creep at night
seek the light
ain't no trin' to plead for life
talkin' bout' I sorry God
He like
Leave my sight
The key to life
is none other than Jesus Christ
If you a slave to your ways
Be free tonight
We Souled Out
Seeking God's face till we fold out
you want it, we got it
we ain't tryin' to hold out
break me, shake me, mold me
I would rather die like Christ
that live unholy
We Souled Out
Seeking God's face till we fold out
you want it, we got it
we ain't tryin' to hold out
break me, shake me, mold me
I would rather die like Christ
that live unholy
I spit these bars
not to get no chicks in cars
Not for spinners on the wheels of
expensive cars
Man I do this for the folk who like to
lift their arms
pray to god who gave us life
so he can give us all
man I do this for the blocks in tha
the rocks in tha hood
Jesus Chist, Cornestone
gettin' props in tha hood
folks think we crazed and delerious
cilqued up 40 deep
all saved, all serious Yeah
and if you curious
we got some proof man
we got some answers
we got some truth man
tellin' folks that God is
wathchin' you man
Romans 10:9 is all you got to do man
We Souled Out
Seeking God's face till we fold out
you want it, we got it
we ain't tryin' to hold out
break me, shake me, mold me
I would rather die like Christ
that live unholy
We Souled Out
Seeking God's face till we fold out
you want it, we got it
we ain't tryin' to hold out
break me, shake me, mold me
I would rather die like Christ