Paul was the metropolitan bishop of Mérida in the mid sixth century (fl. 540s/550s). He was a Greek physician who had travelled to Mérida, where there may have been a Greek expatriate community. Certainly enough Greek clergy were travelling to Spain in the early sixth century that Pope Hormisdas wrote to the Spanish bishops in 518 explaining what to do if Greeks still adhering to the Acacian heresy desired to enter communion with the local church.
At some point in his episcopate, he performed a Caesarian section to save a woman's life. In gratitude, her husband, the richest senator in Lusitania, left all his possessions as a legacy to Paul, as well as immediately giving him one half. Though canon law dictated that all gifts to bishops passed to the Church, Paul kept the legacy as his private possession.
Paul's sister's son, Fidelis, was hired out as a boy to a trading vessel on its way to Spain. When the merchants arrived in Mérida, they approached the bishop for an audience, as was customary, and Paul discovered his nephew. Paul immediately took Fidelis under his wing. Contrary to canon law, he consecrated Fidelis as his successor in the bishopric and tried to force the clergy to accept his decision by threatening to withhold his vast private wealth which technically belonged to the Church. Paul offered to leave the wealth to Fidelis and after Fidelis' death to the Church, but the bishops initially refused. They were forced to relent when he threatened to remove all his wealth and dispose of otherwise; the riches made Mérida by far the richest see in Spain. Fidelis, in accordance with Paul's wishes, left the wealth to the Church at his death. Paul's later biographer, the author of the Vitas Patrum Emeritensium justified the bishop's transgressions of canon law by saying that the ideas had been relevante sibi Spiritu sancto: "revealed to him by the Holy Spirit." The VPE, as it is abbreviated, refers to Paul as a saint.
Debil ("Moronic") is the first full-length studio album by Die Ärzte, released in 1984, following the EPs Zu schön, um wahr zu sein! and Uns geht's prima.... The songs "Paul" and "Zu spät" were released as singles, without being successful initially. However, a live version of "Zu spät" was released as a single from the live album Nach uns die Sintflut in 1989 and became a moderate hit in Germany.
In 1987, the Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende Medien (Federal Department for Media Harmful to Young Persons) put the songs "Claudia hat 'nen Schäferhund" and "Schlaflied" on the List of Media Harmful to Young People, with the effect that they could not be sold to minors, nor publicly advertised or displayed. This ban was lifted in 2004, which led to the subsequent reissue of the album (see below).
Following a reevaluation of the record by the BPjM, Debil was reissued on 21 October 2005 as Devil with slightly altered cover art and additional tracks.
Paul Clarke is a fictional character from the Henderson's Boys Series by Robert Muchamore. His mother died before the Second World War and his father died whilst carrying valuable radio blueprints for the British Secret Service.
Paul Clarke's mother died from cancer shortly before the second world war, leaving him in the care of his father, a wireless salesman.
Paul is described by his sister as 'weedy'. He doesn't enjoy sport and finds the physical training of CHERUB hard.
Paul enjoys his own company and spends all of his personal time reading and drawing. His area of the dormitory is adorned by copies of some of Picasso's paintings.
Paul is an introvert and enjoys being on his own. He spends a lot of his time drawing and reading and drew for a German officer in Eagle Day.
In The Escape,Paul and his sister Rosie are being hunted by German Agents. They are being hunted because their father, who died in an air-raid, was working for The British Secret Service and had valuable radio blueprints that the English needed to operate their Radios. British spy, Charles Henderson reaches them first with the help of Marc Kilgour.
Dangerously in Love is the debut studio album by American recording artist Beyoncé. It was released on June 20, 2003 by Columbia Records. During the recording of Destiny's Child's third studio album, Survivor (2001), the group announced that they would produce solo albums to be released. Recording sessions for the album took place from March 2002 to March 2003 at several studios, during the hiatus of her then-group Destiny's Child. As executive producer of the album, Beyoncé took a wider role in its production, co-writing a majority of the songs, choosing which ones to produce and sharing ideas on the mixing and mastering of tracks.
The tracks in the album are a mixture of uptempos and ballads, which are basically inspired by R&B and soul genres; it also features elements of hip hop and Arabic music. Although Beyoncé remained discreet about her interpretation of the songs, its underlying meanings were attributed by music writers as an allusion to her intimate relationship with boyfriend (later husband) and well-known music mogul Jay-Z. Dangerously in Love received positive reviews from music critics upon its release, with critics praising Knowles' "artistic leap". The album also received numerous accolades, earning Beyoncé five Grammy Awards.
Signs is the second album from trip hop duo Badmarsh & Shri.
Allmusic criticized the album for being slow and poor quality for the first few tracks, but asserted that the duo has achieved a distinctive style and complimented Shri's multi-instrumental versatility.
Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society is a peer-reviewed feminist academic journal. It was established in 1975 by Catharine R. Stimpson, and is published quarterly by the University of Chicago Press.
Signs publishes essays examining women's and men's lives around the globe from both historical and contemporary perspectives, as well as theoretical and critical articles addressing processes of racialization, sexualization, and gendering. In 2015, Signs launched the "Feminist Public Intellectuals Project," which seeks to engage feminist theorizing with pressing political and social problems via three open-access, online-first initiatives: "Short Takes," "Currents," and "Ask a Feminist." Given the fragmentation of feminist activism and the persistent negative freighting of the moniker “feminist,” the "Feminist Public Intellectuals Project" seeks to genuinely reimagine what role a journal can play in provoking activism.
From 1975-1980, the founding editor-in-chief of Signs was Catharine R. Stimpson (Barnard College). From 1980-1985, the editor-in-chief was Barbara C. Gelpi (Stanford University). From 1985-1990, the editor-in-chief was Jean Fox O'Barr (Duke University). She was succeeded from 1990-1995 by Ruth-Ellen Boetcher Joeres and Barbara Laslett (University of Minnesota). From 1995-2000, the editors-in-chief were Carolyn Allen and Judith A. Howard (University of Washington), they were replaced in 2000 by Sandra Harding and Kathryn Norberg (University of California, Los Angeles), they served until 2005 when they were replaced by Mary Hawkesworth (Rutgers University). Since 2015, Suzanna Danuta Walters (Northeastern University) has been editor-in-chief. The journal was called "prestigious" in a French review article of women's studies in America.