Sierra Madre Oriental

The Sierra Madre Oriental (Spanish  [ˈsjera ˈmaðre orjenˈtal] ) is a mountain range in northeastern Mexico.


Spanning 1,000 kilometres (620 mi) the Sierra Madre Oriental runs from the Rio Grande on the border between Coahuila and Texas south through Nuevo León, southwest Tamaulipas, San Luis Potosí, Querétaro, and Hidalgo to northern Puebla, where it joins with the east-west running Eje Volcánico Transversal of central Mexico. The northernmost are the Sierra del Burro and the Sierra del Carmen which reach the border with the United States at the Rio Grande. North of the Rio Grande, the range continues northwestward into Texas and beyond as the Davis and Guadalupe Ranges.

Mexico's Gulf Coastal Plain lies to the east of the range, between the mountains and the Gulf of Mexico coast. The Mexican Plateau, which averages 1,100 metres (3,600 ft) in elevation, lies between the Sierra Madre Oriental and the Sierra Madre Occidental further west.

The climate of the Sierra Madre Oriental is drier than the rainforest areas further south.

Sierra Madre

Sierra Madre (Spanish for "mother mountain range") may refer to one of several mountain ranges:

  • In Mexico:
  • Sierra Madre Occidental, a mountain range in northwestern Mexico and southern Arizona
  • Sierra Madre Oriental, a mountain range in northeastern Mexico
  • Sierra Madre de Oaxaca, a mountain range in south-central Mexico
  • Sierra Madre del Sur, a mountain range in southern Mexico
  • Sierra Madre de Chiapas, a mountain range which extends from southeastern Mexico
  • In Central America:
    • Sierra Madre de Chiapas, the continuation of this mountain range crossing southern Guatemala, northern El Salvador, and western Honduras
  • Sierra Madre de Chiapas, the continuation of this mountain range crossing southern Guatemala, northern El Salvador, and western Honduras
  • Sierra Madre de Chiapas

    The Sierra Madre de Chiapas, as known in Mexico, with regional names in other countries, is a major mountain range in Central America.


    The range runs northwest-southeast from the state of Chiapas in Mexico, across western Guatemala, into El Salvador and Honduras. Most of the volcanoes of Guatemala, part of the Central America Volcanic Arc, are within the range.

    A narrow coastal plain lies south the range, between the Sierra Madre and the Pacific Ocean. To the north lie a series of highlands and depressions, including the Chiapas Depression, which separates the Sierra Madre from the Chiapas Plateau, the Guatemalan Highlands, and Honduras' interior highlands.

    The range forms the main drainage divide between the Pacific and Atlantic river systems. On the Pacific side the distance to the sea is short, and the streams, while very numerous, are consequently small and rapid. A few of the streams of the Pacific slopes rise in the Guatemalan Highlands, and force a way through the Sierra Madre at the bottom of deep ravines. On the eastern side a number of the rivers of the Atlantic slopes attain a considerable volume and size.

    Sierra Madre (Philippines)

    The Sierra Madre Mountains is the longest mountain range in the Philippines. Running in the north-south direction from the provinces of Cagayan to the north and Quezon to the south, the mountains form the eastern backbone of Luzon Island, the largest island of the archipelago. It is bordered by the Pacific Ocean to the east. The Pacific coast of Luzon along the Sierra Madre is less developed as the lofty and continuous mountains forms a bold and an almost inaccessible shore, exposed to the full force of the northeast monsoon and the waves of the Pacific Ocean. Some of communities east of the mountain range and along the coast are so remote they are still only accessible by plane or by boat.

    The Quezon Protected Landscape is situated at the southern part of the range.


    The Sierra Madre is the longest mountain range in the Philippines. In the north, the range starts in the province of Cagayan and ends in the south in the province of Quezon. In the province of Nueva Vizcaya, its western tip to form the Caraballo Mountains, with which it connects with the Cordillera Central range.



    Sierra Madre

    by: Zillertaler Schürzenjäger

    Wenn der Morgen kommt und die letzten Schatten vergeh'n,
    schau'n die Menschen der Sierra hinauf zu den sonnigen Hh'n.
    Schau'n hinauf, wo der weie Condor so einsam zieht,
    wie ein Gru an die Sonne erklingt ihr altes Lied:
    Sierra, Sierra Madre del Sur, Sierra, Sierra Madre.
    Oh, oh, Sierra, Sierra Madre del Sur, Sierra, Sierra Madre.
    Wenn die Arbeit getan, der Abend-Frieden beginnt,
    schau'n die Menschen der Sierra hinauf, wo das Abendrot brennt.
    Und sie denken daran, wie schnell ein Glck oft vergeht,
    und aus tausend Herzen erklingt es wie ein Gebet:
    Sierra, Sierra Madre del Sur...
