Sidrón Cave
The Sidrón Cave (Spanish: Cueva de El Sidrón) is an ancient cave in Piloña municipality, Asturias, northwestern Spain, where Paleolithic rock art and Neanderthal remains have been found. It is approximately 600 meters in length.
In 1994, Neanderthal remains were inadvertently uncovered inside the cave. Archaeologists have since recovered the remains of at least 12 individuals: three men, three adolescent boys, three women, and three infants. Neanderthal ancient mtDNA was partially sequenced in HVR region for three distinct Neanderthals from El Sidrón cave (441, 1253, and 1351c). 1253 and 1351c have the same mutations at position A-911, G-977 in exon 7 of FOXP2 gene, known as the "language gene", as present-day people.
See also
List of fossil sites (with link directory)
Orce, Atapuerca Mountains, La Cueva de Balzola, Sima de las Palomas, Forbes' Quarry and Devil's Tower (Gibraltar), other important archaeological sites in the Iberian Peninsula, where ancient human remains have been found