The Sicels (Latin Siculi; Greek Σικελοί Sikeloi) were an Italic tribe who inhabited eastern Sicily during the Iron Age. Their neighbours to the west were the Sicani. The Sicels gave Sicily the name it has held since antiquity, but they rapidly fused into the culture of Magna Graecia.
Archaeological excavation has shown some Mycenean influence on Bronze Age Sicily. The earliest literary mention of Sicels is in the Odyssey. Homer also mentions Sicania, but makes no distinctions: "they were (from) a faraway place and a faraway people and apparently they were one and the same" for Homer, Robin Lane Fox notes. There are four incidental mentions of Sicels or Sicania, as a source for a devoted household slave or a likely place to sell a slave.
It is possible that the Sicels and the Sicani of the Iron Age had consisted of an Illyrian population who (as with the Messapians) had imposed themselves on a native, Pre-Indo-European ("Mediterranean") population.Thucydides and other classical writers were aware of the traditions according to which the Sicels had once lived in Central Italy, east and even north of Rome. Thence they were dislodged by Umbrian and Sabine tribes, and finally crossed into Sicily. Their social organization appears to have been tribal, their economy, agricultural. According to Diodorus Siculus, after a series of conflicts with the Sicani, the river Salso was declared the boundary between their respective territories.
Well I've seen a lot of letters and it seems to me
There's something real special 'bout the letter 'Z'
But boy we're sick of singing 'bout zippers and zoos
There ain't enough 'Z' words
Got the ZZ Blues
You can stick with 'zebra' 'cause it's tried and true
Maybe mention 'zither' just for something new
But once you've shown them 'zebra', 'zither', 'zippers' and 'zoos'
You're almost out of 'Z' words
Got the ZZ Blues
Time to write a song about Zanzibar
C'mon and sing along about Zanibar
Guess I could be wrong about Zanzibar
Going zingy with the ZZ Blues
We're zooming back to zipper 'cause it's still the best
Zipping back to zebra and we need a rest
Gettin' tired of thinking
Yeah we've paid our dues
There ain't enough Z words
Got the ZZ Blues
(band starts falling asleep while still rocking!)
Only band I ever worked with to fall asleep and keep playing the blues!
Guess I might as well join 'em
and cop some Zs myself!
(ends with band asleep but the music still going!)