The sibyls were women that the ancient Greeks believed were oracles. The earliest sibyls, according to legend,prophesied at holy sites. Their prophecies were influenced by divine inspiration from a deity; originally at Delphi and Pessinos, the deities were chthonic deities. In later antiquity, various writers attested to the existence of sibyls in Greece, Italy, the Levant, and Asia Minor.
The English word sibyl (/ˈsɪbəl/ or /ˈsɪbɪl/) comes — via the Old French sibile and the Latin sibylla — from the ancient Greek σίβυλλα (sibulla, plural σίβυλλαι sibullai).Varro derived the name from theobule ("divine counsel"), but modern philologists mostly propose an Old Italic or alternatively a Semitic etymology.
The first known Greek writer to mention a sibyl is Heraclitus, in the 5th century BC:
Walter Burkert observes that "frenzied women from whose lips the god speaks" are recorded very much earlier in the Near East, as in Mari in the second millennium and in Assyria in the first millennium".
Oracle is a fictional character in the Marvel Universe.
Oracle is a long-time member and warrior serving in the Royal Elite of the Shi'ar Imperial Guard. She is the Empire's premiere telepath, capable of all the standard abilities demonstrated by other telepaths (mind-reading, psychic attacks, mental control of others, etc.). She has been romantically linked with both Gladiator and Starbolt.
Oracle joined in the Imperial Guardsmen's battle against the X-Men on behalf of Emperor D'Ken, and was defeated by Wolverine. She later fought Angel during the Shi'ar trial by combat over the life of Phoenix.
Oracle was amongst those few Imperial Guard members who opposed the treacherous Shi'ar High Council member Lord Samédàr who was aiding an attempted coup of the Shi'ar throne by Deathbird. Even after many of the Guard chose to side with Samédàr, Oracle (a.k.a. Sybil) remained steadfast in her loyalty to then-Empress Lilandra. On a mission to find Lilandra, Oracle joined the other Imperial Guardsmen, Nightcrawler, and Kitty Pryde in battling Lord Samédàr's renegade Imperial Guardsmen. Oracle was captured, but freed on Lilandra's command.
Sibyls were oracular women believed to possess prophetic powers in ancient Greece.
Sibyl and Sybil may also refer to:
à minha linda, minha neguinha
O meu café ficou tão sozinho
Os meninos que passam
E olhos sem ter pra quem mostrar
à minha linda, minha neguinha
Histórias que eu conto no vento
Eu me sento aqui pra ladainha
Eu me sento aqui avoadinha
Eu guardo no bolso
Eu guardo no bolso as histórias da Dona Sinhá
Mas me falta tu mesmo
E teu jeito de me contar
E eu guardo no bolso
Eu guardo no bolso da Dona Sinhá
Histórias que tu me traz
E as flores começam a girar
O sol se põe na pracinha
E eu me sentei cantando sozinha
O sol se põe lá na pracinha
E eu me sentei sonhando neste mar
O sol se põe lá na pracinha
E eu me sentei cantando sozinha
Eu guardo no bolso
Eu guardo no bolso as histórias da Dona Sinhá
Mas me falta tu mesmo
E teu jeito de me contar
Eu guardo no bolso
Eu guardo no bolso da Dona Sinhá
Histórias que tu me traz