Siboglinidae, also known as the beard worms, is a family of polychaete annelid worms whose members made up the former phyla Pogonophora (the giant tube worms) and Vestimentifera. They are composed of about 100 species of vermiform creatures and live in thin tubes buried in sediments at ocean depths from 100 to 10,000 m. They can also be found in association with hydrothermal vents, methane seeps, with sunken plant material or whale carcasses.
The first specimen was dredged from the waters of what is now Indonesia in 1900. These specimens were given to French zoologist Maurice Caullery, who studied them for nearly 50 years.
Most siboglinids are less than 1 millimetre (0.04 in) in diameter but 10–75 centimetres (3.9–29.5 in) in length. They inhabit tubular structures composed of chitin and fixed to the bottom. The tubes are often clustered together in large colonies.
The body is divided into four regions. The anterior end is called the cephalic lobe, which bears from 1 to over 200 thin branchial ciliated tentacles, each bearing tiny side branches known as pinnules. Behind this is a glandular forepart, which helps to secrete the tube. The main part of the body is the trunk, which is greatly elongated and bears various annuli, papillae, and ciliary tracts. Posterior to the trunk is the short metamerically segmented opisthosoma, bearing external paired chaetae, which apparently help to anchor the animal to the base of its tube.
Fell down this old road and I don?t care
If you roll on your sides, I seen a ghost
In the future, sometimes it gets hard to hide
If you need somethin', don?t let me know
Subtle substance control turns to overflow
I gotta get my connect
I saw her in the bathroom drinkin' vodka
She must have been a sweet nothin'
Dope let's her slide, looks she can?t hide
Heroin hands can?t keep her clean
She needs another way out
Let?s drink until we come
Later on we?re sailin' on
It gets to you when I say this stuff
But I know what I?m doin'
Just ask me what I?m doin'
We are alone, we are alone, we are alone
We are together, fashionably numb
Drive this town into the ground
Lose the places that we found together
There?s never nothing right
There?s never nothing right
Let's stay connected
We are alone, we are alone, we are alone
We live together
Fashionably numb, perpetually spun
Seen you breathin' out your eyes, surprise
We are alone, we are alone